Cannes Lions

Snickers Crisper Integrated Campaign

BBDO , New York / MARS / 2016

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Case Film
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Our campaign was inspired by the popular term “Hangry,” which is often used to describe a person who is so hungry that they’re angry. We used this device to coin a whole new set of words that could describe how you’re feeling when afflicted by multiple hunger symptoms at once, such as “Bloopy” [Bad Judgment + Loopy] and “Confulish” [Confused + Foolish]. These new kinds of hunger could only be satisfied by this new Snickers bar, which we communicated through our line, “Hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new Snickers Crisper.”


Through broadcast, social, product innovation and original music, we brought these humorous new hunger symptoms to life. In TV, we portrayed a “Bloopy” mom, a “Confulish” figure-drawing model and a “Dimpatient” interviewee. In social, we created hungry music videos that utilized Facebook’s silent autoplay functionality––with the sound off, these appeared to be normal music videos. But when clicked, users could hear how these new hunger symptoms affected these singers. We also created a line of original products designed to help you cope with these new hunger symptoms and sold them on EBay, such as a combination Tissue Box/Swear Jar for when you’re feeling “Sulgar” (Sad+Vulgar). Finally, we created the first-ever album of original songs by a brand, called “Starving Artists.” In each track, we mashed up musical genres such as gangsta rap and yodeling to create a song that could only be described as “Aggroopy” (Aggressive + Loopy).


-Our reach to date is an impressive 16M impressions.

-The benchmark VTR for Facebook Newsfeed video was .3%. Pop Singer and Rock Band far surpassed this with a VTR of .91% and .85%, respectively. This is especially good considering that these videos are longer than Facebook’s recommended length.

-People actually spent upwards of $89.99 for these ridiculous products we sold on EBay. Guess we underestimated the demand for Punching Pillows.

-Over 1,500 people followed our Starving Artists playlist – our follow rate outperformed a different advertiser’s playlist that was live, which hosted music from top Grammy nominees. This is especially impressive considering most brands run sponsored playlists with third-party songs, while we drove listens via original content.

-The Internet took the idea and ran with it. People got into the spirit of combining and creating their own words to describe their hunger symptoms on social media

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