Cannes Lions


TEVA UK , Harlow / TEVA / 2019

Supporting Content






Sudocrem is Britain’s number one nappy cream. Founded in 1931 by an Irish Pharmacist, it was originally named 'Soothing Cream' due to its healing properties, before its name was changed to Sudocrem. The brand has long been an essential-use product in British households, in fact all UK parents are given Sudocrem when they hospital with a new baby.

The brand was looking to reestablish their long-held market leadership with a bold new campaign to reinforce the product’s unique property – the ability to soothe. If a baby has nappy rash, Sudocrem soothes their bottoms; If a teenager has about of acne, Sudocrem soothes his face; If a little girl grazes her knee, Sudocrem is there to soothe the situation.

The campaign aims to create moments of soothing calm in today’s hectic world of online & social media - after all, Sudocrem wasn’t originally named ‘soothing cream’ for nothing.


The script called for the setting to be a tranquil Asian garden, however, the exteriors were shot in London & Spain.

The Tai Chi routine was created by an experienced Tai Chi Master Choreographer, and captured using dancers in green-screen motion capture suits. The CGI panda models were built by Fable Fx, Sweden. No detail was left untouched, everything including eyes, mouth movements, weight, hair which were all treated to ensure the pandas were as real as possible.

The director insisted on each panda having their own backstory and level of tai chi mastery, which resulted in 3 individual pandas with individual weights, heights, movement and look.

The pandas were then placed into the real life action, with special attention being given to technicalities of integration, scale, reflections of the pandas in the water, and matching the lighting.

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