Cannes Lions


JWT NEW YORK, New York / CADBURY / 2009






Initially, we aggressively advertised in magazines crucial to our target audience: Rolling Stone, US Weekly, ESPN, and People. Simultaneously, we plastered wild postings in urban, high foot-traffic neighborhoods. Next, we created TV ads and viral films sharply focused to reach where our target audience spent most of their time: Comedy television and college/humor-themed websites. Radio spots, “A Friend You Can Eat” t-shirts, commemorative plates, bumper stickers, and memorabilia were also targeted at college campuses. All media led our audience to our website, where they could create their own edible friends and watch more branded content. From there, our audience began creating their own extensions of our tagline and gave the idea a whole new twist of its own.


The campaign has made the brand Swedish Fish relevant again with the 18-24 year olds. Sales and awareness are both up. The stigma of being a middle-aged Mom brand is gone. And a silicone 5’6” tall Red Fish now graces the lobby of Cadbury Adams (the client).

Consumers are trading plates and T-shirts on craigslist and other online exchange sites. The words ‘Nej” and ‘Ja’ are part of subversive pop culture and now feature regularly as part of online chatter. The viral films have been so successful they’ve even been imitated on YouTube. Overall, it has been the most successful product re-launch that the client has seen in years and we owe it all to the friendships people have developed over the years with the little red fish.

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