Cannes Lions


ENJIN, Tokyo / DISNEY / 2016

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Is there any way to use the Smartphone, the cause of the isolation effect, and connect people in person? Our answer was a special mobile content, to share special experience and excitement together with the caring ones. By placing their smartphones side by side, friends could watch the fabulous parade move across their screens. Unlimited number of smartphones can be connected, so the more the merrier! The number of smartphones connected could be shared on the SNS.


The campaign period was for approximately 2 months during the Christmas season. A website for was set up, so there was no need to download any application and was available on the web browser of the smartphone. By sharing a single Group ID, all smartphones of the group member become connected and the parade begins to move across the screens. To attract the Guest’s interest, we varied the effects of the parade depending on the number of smartphones connected.


In less than one week from its release, the number of people who experienced this mobile content exceeded 1 million. The Motivation Rate to visit the Park reached a record high of 88%. The largest group formed was with 53 smartphones! Many users commented and posted movie images on social medias such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and You Tube. It was featured on many Television Programs and internet media and made a buzz throughout Japan. It also crossed borders and connected people in over 80 countries.

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