Cannes Lions


OGILVY NEW YORK, New York / IBM / 2010

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Brief As part of a broad company strategy, IBM is helping to build smarter systems that use technology to help businesses compete. A smarter supply chain, for example, leverages information about customer preferences and trends to help companies make better shipping and inventory decisions. Capturing consumer data around something as simple as color can have massive implications around overall product sales.

Solution Our solution was to build an interactive outdoor board at JFK Airport in NYC, that could change its appearance based on who was standing in front of it. Using a color sensitive camera directed at the people walking by, and several rows of LED lights, we were able to demonstrate how a smart retail system can work.

Results • In the first 30 days, the unit had an average of 1,132 interactions/day.

• The work was featured in leading technology and design blogs such as Gizmodo, Fubiz, Creativity, and Ffffound.

• ABC News New York discovered the board and the story was picked up by several affiliates in major cities, including San Francisco and Chicago. • In the first two weeks, the billboard had over five thousand mentions on Twitter.

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