
The animals' own emergency number

TRY, Oslo / DNB BANK / 2018


1 Grand Prix Eurobest
2 Silver Eurobest
1 Bronze Eurobest
Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image







DNB is Norway's largest bank, but their added role as an insurance company is lesser known. Despite being rated the number one insurer for cats and dogs, the sales did not match up.


Increase sales by making DNB animal insurance more well-known for all animal owners in Norway


- Increase sales by +400%

- Engage Norwegian pet owners and remind them that DNB has the #1 pet insurance.



We found that the existing rational communication around pet insurance missed something important - that the target audience of animal owners saw their pets as part of their own family. The answer came when we started treating the cause as importantly as we would for any other member of the family.

Through our research, it became clear there was an recurring issue facing pet owners who found themselves in serious situations with their pets: a survey showed that 9 out of 10 Norwegians had no idea what number to call if their pet needed urgent help.

The idea:

As the leading bank in Norway, DNB realized this could be a great opportunity to channel their size as a bank into an ambitious project for social responsibility. To ensure that all animals get the protection they deserve, DNB called out to establish the first national emergency number for animals.


The goal of the campaign was reaching all pet owners across Norway, and while the ages/sexes/demographics varied - they all shared one common trait: their love for their pets.

All animal owners are dedicated and engaged with their pets and especially their well-being.

By choosing to channel the media strategy towards advocating and fighting for an important issue for the target audience, putting our hard-sell strategy aside and focusing on the general well-being of all animals, we managed to prove to everyone why DNB is the number one animal insurer.

We based our media strategy around the existing engagement pet owners already have around their pets. From meeting them in their own environments with petition stands in dog parks across the country, to leaning into their eagerness to post pictures on social media, we were able to reach and engage a much wider audience than a traditional insurance campaign.


Through a large-scale fully integrated campaign, DNB called out for an official national emergency number for animals. We launched with a national TVC, and followed up immediately with a nationwide petition that the animals themselves could sign.

The media strategy ranged from traditional channels like TVC and online films to more inventive channels like roadshow petition events, a public televised political debate, start numbers on dog runs, tennis balls, snapchat filters, instagram stories and more. Over a 5 week period, we engaged animals owners (and a few more) in every platform possible.

We also went beyond advertising media channels and made a more important one of our own: Together with the Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance, DNB created a fully operational emergency number for animals, basing it on the same setup as the police emergency number where you based on your location and time, will connect to the closest veterinary clinic.


+1450% sales increase

2.1 million organic impressions

1.4 million social interactions

8704 pets signed the petition and got their paw in our protocol

Over 1400 animal owners have gotten the help they needed through our emergency number

The national emergency number we created is still active and being used to this day

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