Cannes Lions

The Earth Doughnut Theory


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Case Film






Krispy Kreme had several goals to accomplish with this campaign. On the one hand, we wanted to continue building on the brand positioning, which is simply making the world a happier place. We wanted to launch a fun campaign, where people would smile when they saw it, participate in it and reaffirm Krispy Kreme as a young, light-hearted and fun brand.

On the other hand, we wanted to generate conversation and PR around our doughnuts on a very special date - World Doughnut Day.


Krispy Kreme is a brand dedicated to giving the world happiness in each of its freshly baked doughnuts. They firmly believe that the world would be an even happier place if it was shaped like a doughnut.

That's why, ever since the theory emerged that the Earth was shaped like a doughnut, Krispy Kreme has been 100% supportive. And to prove it, we launched a campaign on World Doughnut Day to celebrate this theory and reach the hearts of "doughnut earthers."


The campaign's strategy was two-fold. We based our approach on a new theory that claimed that the Earth was shaped like a doughnut and tied it into the brand purpose to "Believe in a joyful world". So, we chose World Doughnut Day to launch an activation that brings the world a lot of joy and tells a story around our much loved doughnuts.


For World Doughnut Day, Krispy Kreme launched an activation where anyone who claimed to believe in doughnut-shaped Earth theory could enjoy a free doughnut!

In addition to activation, the campaign also had several graphic pieces and 3 spots explaining that, in a doughnut-shaped world, meteorites would not have extinguished dinosaurs, that in the Bermuda Triangle things would not disappear but would appear or that tornadoes would build, rather than destroy.

The campaign was activated in 22 different markets and had an impact around the world.


The campaign got very good results. Important media outlets like Today, Mirror and The Sun shared our campaign. (Although we have to confess that we would have been super happy to have Obama or Katy Perry talk about our campaign, but no such luck.)

Krispy Kreme doughnut sales increased by up to 38% worldwide thanks to the campaign, we had over 7 million impressions and distributed more than 500,000 doughnuts in 22 markets!

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