Cannes Lions

The Inevitable Bite

DHÉLET Y&R, Buenos Aires / CRUZ ROJA / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






We develop a concept that was the core of the campaign. A campaign whose principal piece was a video intended to create awareness to the public about the importance of knowing first aids to not depend on a doctor or specialist.

In the video we see a family sitting around the table having dinner. Everyone is chatting until the father interrupts leaving his fork with a piece of meat on it and, while they all look at him trying to understand him, he says things like:

I want to tell you... That now I'm going to eat this piece of meat. But because we're going to be laughing I will choke. You'll ask me if I'm okay. I'll take my hands towards my throat... And stop breathing.

Overprint: Even if an accident warned you, you wouldn't know what to do.

Cut to title: Take first AID Courses.


The campaign was launched on social media and two weeks later strategically placed on national television to reach the general public.


The Red Cross gained awareness on social media and television. It put the First AID Courses on the national agenda and the organization as the first option to take them.

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