Cannes Lions

The Luckiest Media Campaign Ever

SID LEE MEDIA, Montreal / LOTO-QUEBEC / 2018


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






On top of that insight, we decided to include a little throwback in our communications. The Lotto 6/49 has been around for decades, and is so well known and established that Quebec it has integrated our slang and vocabulary. Indeed, in Quebec, when a lucky moment occurs in real life, we’d usually say it’s a sign, and you should play Lotto 6/49 !! perceive it as a sign that you should play Lotto 6/49. That cultural nugget was brought to our communications, celebrating everyday luck with that signature. #YouShouldPlay649


The strength of this campaign is in part due to the multiple executions, which we all rolled out at different timings.

1) On New Year’s, we highjacked yearly tradition in the news, celebrating 2017’s first new baby.

2) We kicked off the summer holidays at Montreal airport using the first lucky suitcase to fall on the carousel as our media.

3) Since 2013, our 1 cent pennies have been withdrawn. We brought them back with the old tradition of making a wish while throwing a penny in fountains.

4) During Black Friday, awe painted the luckiest parking spots in the worst crowded mall center, to identify a driver’s luck whenever the spots were open.

5) Quebecers typically spend the month of August chasing shooting stars. But how can you make a wish if you don’t catch one? Thanks Loto-Quebec, we activated a real-time broadcast on Facebook Live to count stars.


The power of the insight continues to prove its worth over time. For the third year in a row, Loto-Quebec has seen their Lotto 6/49 share of market remains stable year over year, counteracting the constant clientele losses they have known for years. But most and foremost, the success of our efforts is confirmed by the readoption of our popular expression : You Should Play Lotto 6/49. In Comedy shows, on Youtube, remakes and parodies have been done using our expression. Even TV and radio hosts often refer to the Lotto 6/49 when luck hits the news !

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