Cannes Lions

The Misspelled Brahmas

AB INBEV, Buenos Aires / BRAHMA / 2023

Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Content






We realized that on social networks people always misspell the name of Brahma beer.

We have found that people write Brama, Brhama, Bramma and even Bramama. But what for any brand manager would be a tremendous headache, for ours it was an opportunity to continue fulfilling the objective of building the brand concept of “a beer as people want”.


Through social listening we detected the most repeated misspelled names written by the people on social networks. Since it is not in our essence to correct anyone, we decided to create Brahma beer cans with the same misspelled names that people wrote on social networks. Then we released them to the market, generating a lot of noise because everyone thought it was a mistake. A few days later we unveiled the campaign with a commercial and hundreds of personalized responses to every person who has ever changed our name. Because if Brahma is the beer of the people, it has to be written as people want.


The regular target audience are people from 18 years old to 24 years old, C3. But because this campaign came from an insight that was found on social networks, the target was bigger.

Every person who uses social networks was able to join the conversation and learn that Brahma is a simple beer for simple people.


Through social listening we detected the most repeated misspelled names written by the people on social networks. Then we placed those names on Brahma cans and released them to the market. Two weeks later, on June 7th of 2022, we revealed the campaign with a commercial. Then we started to answer directly to every person who has ever misspelled the name of Brahma beer with personalized videos or images for over two months.


In a country with 20.000.000 adults we sold 10.000.000 cans. Also we achieved a 82% positive sentiment, 68mm reach in TikTok, 3mm impressions on Instagram, 440k earned media and 1,47$ ROI. But probably our favorite result was that people asked for more videos on social media.

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