Cannes Lions

The passionate butcher

TRY, Oslo / GILDE / 2024







GILDE is the largest provider of meat and a household name in Norway.

But with inflation and higher interest rates, they face solid competition from low price meat labels.

This time GILDE was pretty sure they´ve made their best meatballs ever, but the key is to get people to try it.

In a category known for it´s entry points at the family dinner table, we made a different story.

And got results right away.


We get introduced to a butcher who is so passionated for slaughtering that he does it in every aspect of his life. Not only at his job, but at his grandkids flute concert, at an art event, at vacation and directly to the mother of a new born baby.


Most preferred brand on Norwegian TV in February for any category.

The third most attention on Norwegian TV overall.

The highest demand of a new release for Gilde in 10 years.

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