Cannes Lions

The Vagina Experiment

McCANN BUDAPEST, Budapest / WALMARK / 2017


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Images






Find the Name!

In the campaign we empower women to name their genitals, because this is the first step to describe their problems and treat it properly.


We launched an online video to provoke females in which we asked a simple question: How do you call your genitals?

We directed them to our microsite ( where females were able to share their nickname for their Vagina. They could also vote for their favorite one submitted by other users.

We asked them to share it on Facebook.

We relaunched our brand TVC with the most voted name in it.

We created a Chrome/Firefox plug-in that replaced the word “Vagina” or the expression “female genitals” with their favorite vagina nickname.

We opened a downtown Pop-up Store. We teamed up with fashion designers and sold limited edition t-shirt collection. Females had to pay with their favorite vagina nicknames to get one. Calligraphists painted the names on the t-shirts. We “sold out” 2500+ in 3 days.


We have raised females and media attention to break this important taboo.

265,000+ views for the online video before YouTube blocked it.

We got 2,114 creative names for genitals on our voting site.

We had to close the pop up store after 3 days, because 2500+ t-shirts were sold out.

The campaign got huge press appearance, on several, non-paid media platforms offline and online, such as Marie Claire, Playboy, Joy, Cosmopolitan, , Life, Player, Femina,… etc.

Over 70% media was earned.

Over 8,000,000 women reached across the region.

From zero (it was the launch campaign for the brand), Idelyn became one of the top selling brands in the region in just one year, in the region.

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The Vagina Experiment


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