Cannes Lions

This is Footy Country

EXIT FILMS, Sydney / TELSTRA / 2024







Australians are passionate about footy. That’s why our biggest brands sponsor it. Telstra, Australia’s biggest mobile network, is also the biggest sponsor of footy. But just putting their logo on signage wasn’t connecting with fans. We needed something that would cut through with real fans who can smell bullshit a mile away and get people feeling Telstra not only understands the game but is part of the fabric of footy. So we created “This Is Footy Country”: an integrated campaign that is a love letter to country grassroots footy and celebrates the greatest version of the greatest sport.


This is Footy Country opens on a broken down bus on the side of a rural road. The coach on the footy team travelling on the bus is on a call with the manager of the club, concerned they wont make it to the game in time. The club manager is not accepting defeat or a forfeit. She grabs the keys to the old worn out team bus and hits the road. as she speeds around the small town she recruits any and everyone she can find. Young and old, past players and locals who have never touched a ball. All the new recruits trust in the club manager and are determined to support their local and beloved team.

Clothed in the uniforms from generations of teams in the past the rag tag team burst onto the field to face their opponents. The ref blows the whistle…

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