Spikes Asia

Timepass - Mindless Snacking

BRITANNIA, Bangalore / BRITANNIA / 2019

Presentation Image






India is home to a USD 34 billion salted snacks market. The market is overcrowded and highly competitive, cluttered with local players and global giants namely, ITC, Haldiram’s and PepsiCo.

The challenge was to take the flavourful, salty Timepass brand and convincingly establish it in the market amongst competitors, secure a strong sales position and claim a valuable slice of the market share. All of this without the support of a large advertising budget.


Our insight for Timepass was to ‘celebrate purposelessness’ and simply wind down with joyful, pleasurable snacking. Timepass literally means, mindless activity.

Snacking in India is universal and cuts across audiences and demographics. However, Timepass had a special communications focus on millennials in the age group of 18-25 years old. This age group typically comprises of early jobbers and college-goers. Millennials also have the power to influence a household on purchasing decisions, the right amount of disposable income and familiar with flavours that Timepass offers, hence becoming the primary growth audience for Timepass.


Our central idea is based on the observation that snacking is emotionally driven and leads to dramatic changes in facial expressions with every different flavour.

Each pack features 3 critical elements: (i) emoji-like facial expressions, (ii) an ownable colour palette and imagery, (iii) bold typography Using familiar, emoji-like facial expressions as the base concept of each pack, we explored a range of illustration styles and localized on a modern, contemporary, flat style that worked across the Timepass range.


Britannia has launched Timepass with astounding success: a 30% rise in customer awareness,

48% repeat order rate vis-à-vis competition, 4.5 million social impressions post-launch and an

11% market share making it the third-largest brand in this industry.

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