Cannes Lions

Together Band All Amazonia


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BB had a history of prioritizing “green” objectives, practices, and projects in Brazil, a strategy that had been steadily advancing in recent years. The activities in New York were intended to be a real cry, or rather, an international cry for a fresh perspective on natural resources and transformation. Apart from an extensive business agenda, its involvement peaked with the launch of the “All Amazonia” campaign, to enhance awareness and sway the main decision-makers in the world economy on the crucial role of the financial market in adhering to the green agenda, as a means of ensuring that investments in the institution are captured.


Drawing from the ancient indigenous tradition of exchanging gifts to foster connections, we created the #TOGETHERBAND All Amazonia. Crafted in partnership with the Yawanawá indigenous group, the bracelet features materials sourced from the Amazon jungle, including açaí seeds and other items not typically found in nature, like plastic and metal from illegal weapons confiscated in forest conservation zones.

Therefore, we seized upon the opportune moment presented by the convergence of the primary global leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in New York to introduce the bracelet and bring attention to the underlying theme.

At Times Square, the epicenter of the world, we orchestrated a 15-minute domination with synchronized screens and the participation of key indigenous leaders from the Amazon. These esteemed figures led a moving chant, beseeching for assistance in the vital mission of safeguarding the rich biodiversity and natural wonders of the forest.


To display Banco do Brasil's dedication to sustainability on a global level, a comprehensive approach to communication was adopted - a groundbreaking step for BB on the global front -, beginning with the development of a strategic plan that steered the activities of spokespersons in New York. Through mapping out positioning opportunities with countries and economic agents, there was a significant emphasis on aligning institutional discourse to raise awareness among stakeholders.

Emphasis was placed on strategic and persuasive content in PR campaigns to secure coverage in a range of international media, particularly in North America, to highlight Banco do Brasil's commitments. The resources provided (such as diagnosis, key message matrix, articles, briefings, press releases, etc.) helped guide the discussions on highlighting the Bank's contribution to climate debates and laying out a future. Through articulate communication, the institution made a significant impression during its time in America.


The #TOGETHERBAND All Amazonia was handed out to all 800 participants at the Global Climate Conference in NY to kick off the campaign.

Later, with the press and prominent global figures gathered for the opening of the UN General Assembly in NY, we showcased the domination of Times Square. In a synchronized display on all screens, the main indigenous leaders of the Amazon sang ancestral songs for 15 minutes to communicate one message: "We are all Amazonia”.

Following the media hype, the week progressed with meetings held on Wall Street. Drawing from the age-old indigenous practice of exchanging gifts to build relationships, investor gatherings consistently opened with the distribution of the #TOGETHERBAND All Amazonia and the rich storytelling surrounding the bracelet's origins.

Through sparking a conversation on sustainability, the gift fostered connections and paved the path for securing US$1.5 billion in investments for the region.


Apart from the extensive media coverage in global platforms, the agenda sparked significant interest in Brazil across national media channels before, during, and after the event (TIER-1). The development included a strategic action plan, briefings, press releases, agendas, collaboration with hundreds of journalists, articles featured in national and global media, original column entries, streaming visual content directly to bank platforms and networks, calendar tracking, prompt guidance and assessment for spokesperson placement, and securing top image performance for the Bank.

The dedication shown led to over 300 million individuals being impacted by the content on a variety of platforms including newspapers, printed media, online news sites, social media platforms, TV, and radio channels. The prevailing sentiment in social media was positive, accounting for 55% of the mentions. Notably, discussions about the partnership between the IDB and BB garnered attention.

Despite the complexity of determining the symbolic value of such a large communication action, banks' sustainability rankings are scrutinized on the Stock Exchange, where Banco do Brasil has emerged as the leader, as per the findings of the Institute of Studies for Industrial Development (IEDI).

If the media exposure received organically had an advertising aspect, the estimated investments would be about R$ 10 million in international media and over R$ 3 million in Brazil.

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