Cannes Lions

Turkcell Connect: Internet in Offline Mode

BPN ISTANBUL, Istanbul / TURKCELL / 2016

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Being Turkey’s leading GSM operator with the goal to “connect to life through innovative technology”, Turkcell needed to go beyond its nearly perfect coverage (99,17%) and its fastest mobile internet service. At the same time, Turkcell’s diversified LIS services needed an awareness and usage boost. We paired the two brand needs with a strong consumer insight: boring metro rides due to mobile connection regulation, allowing Turkcell LIS content to be consumed offline, essentially extending the Turkcell mobile internet experience to offline mode via our innovative Turkcell Connect metro service, at the same time increasing LIS download and usage.


We placed BLE beacons in metro entries on the Istanbul M2 line. Upon entry, you receive a proximity-triggered push notification inviting you to continue the internet experience with TurkcellConnect even when technically offline. The platform hosts popular news, entertainment and social responsibility content both from third party content providers and from within the wide array of Turkcell’s LifeImprovementServices. Downloading within seconds, the content accompanies you throughout your metro journey. Upon exit, a call-to-action message prompts you to continue the Turkcell LIS content experience that you just trialed by directing you to download the relevant Turkcell app.

A major innovation we introduced is My Dream Companion application. With this app visually impaired people could also enjoy digital content in offline mode, as everyone else. Exiting the metro, the beacon sends you a final push notification with a call to action message promoting Turkcell’s own content services.


Turkcell Connect provided a service to metro travelers while creating a powerful new trial and promotional media for its own services. Every day, over 71.000 users connected to life through Turkcell Connect when in offline mode. Each month, Turkcell Connect users read over 135 million news pieces, watched around 14.4 million football goal videos, listened to over 12,2 millon songs and watched 420 hours of entertainment videos. Each month, Turkcell Connect beacons delivered 12 TB of content. Of the users who entered the communication loop, 87% successfully closed the loop. Of those who trialed Turkcell content services, 53% downloaded the relevant app to continue to consume the content. And this is just the beginning. Turkcell continues to keep its promise to connect to life the Turkish population by expanding the area of online service to offline locations

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