Cannes Lions

Under My Skin



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Thai Life Insurance has been with Thais for generations and has its own brand purpose centered on the "Value of Life. Value of Love”. For 81 years, the brand has pursued its vision of becoming a leading brand that inspires every life and people of all backgrounds. Therefore, "Thai Life Experience Learning Center" was created to inspire Thai people and society with an immersive exhibition to adhere to the brand's beliefs and embrace the true intrinsic value in life rather than the external values in a contemporary context.


Creative Idea: The only thing people will remember them for will be their actions, not their external qualities.

"Under My Skin", a film as part of the exhibition, addresses the cultural issue of bullying, which creates scars and long-term impact on millions of children throughout generations – an issue which remains normalised and unacknowledged. The film aims to silence the ‘loud’ labels that inflict wounds and make victims question their own values by shifting towards a culture that encourages them to stand up for themselves with a key message, “the only thing people will remember them for will be their actions, not their external qualities.”


Audience: The public and Thai stakeholders, including employees, sales agents, investors and partners. These include parents with children.

Insight: For the victims of such ‘teasing,’ these words wound them, leaving lifelong mental scars as they are often remembered by their demeaning names for the rest of their lives

Strategy: Create a cultural shift which encourages bullied victims to stand up for themselves, by sharing with them the belief that the only thing people will remember them for will be their actions, not their external qualities. This core belief in one’s own actions will hopefully become an armour for them, bolstering their confidence and shifting our cultural narrative in a healthier trajectory. We decided to communicate the idea through a controversial story in order to generate widespread discussion among Thais, especially on online platforms, starting with a public viewing of this permanent exhibition at Thai Life Experience Center Exhibition.


We cast a real victim of bullying as the lead role of our film in order to authentically portray the issue through the emotions of the character. For the casting process, we first scouted students from several schools who have been bullied and interviewed those who were willing to share their experiences. One particular quality that we looked for in the lead role was the actress’s genuine conviction to protest against bullying, so they may channel that conviction through the film to maximise its impact for positive change.


“Under My Skin'' succeeded in inspiring and igniting this under-recognised topic among viewers of all ages, with positive results. The audience acknowledged that this is an unrecognised topic worth discussing, related to their own experience or that of a close friend or relative, and that it can be a trigger for the call to action they want to give to their children and share their experience online after viewing the content to encourage people to stand up for themselves when they are being bullied and find value in their own actions rather than external values.

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