Spikes Asia

UT Picks

PARTY, Tokyo / UNIQLO / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






UT is UNIQLO's graphics T-shirt brand which collaborates with over 40 artists and brands, and produces more than 1,200 types of designs.

However, the challenge for UT has been that the sales of T-shirts fluctuate depending on the collaborations, making it difficult to maintain loyalty to UT as a brand. In addition, due to the large number of selections, many users tend to think of the selection process as troublesome.


At a specially set up UT studio, each "UT Picks" Pickstar spent an average of three hours to select five T-shirts from 1,200 types.

Along with the annoucement of the service, the documentary videos of the curation process was released on YouTube.

"UT Picks" T-shirts and message cards from their respective Pickstars were delivered to the subscribers. Subscribers did not know which T-shirts were chosen until they open the box.

The Pickstars were experts of various fields: Models, stylists, bloggers, writers, dancers.

Through showing that the T-shirts have the sufficient quality and variety to be curated by Pickstars, this new service communicated the brand value to users.

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