Cannes Lions

Waste Waves

DAVID, Madrid / CORONA / 2024

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Demo Film






Currently, the ocean hosts a staggering 21,000 pieces of plastic per person on Earth, a number set to double within six years.

Corona beer, as an official proud sponsor of the WSL tournament, wanted to create a visually impactful campaign strategically positioned on or near beaches. This initiative aimed to resonate with surfers and passers-by, leveraging the perfect setting to raise awareness.

By placing the ads on or near beaches we would continue to build on the brand's commitment to cleaning beaches and oceans around the world.

Our goal with this campaign was to show the problem of plastic in the oceans in a different way, but above all, to get many more people to join our cause to clean up the oceans and make this fact a reality in the future.


Having this campaign run at the beaches where the WSL global surfing tournament was taking place meant that it was seen by more people than would normally experience the OOH in that location. The work will also move with the WSL as the tournament travels to various beaches across the world, impacting those who love the ocean and live by it. While it has been too soon to note any official data, initial responses to the scheduled ONEOCEAN beach cleanups have increased and the trajectory for the future seems very positive.

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