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BlueScope Steel (BSS) wanted to improve its environmental reputation in drought-stricken Australia and be recognised as a leader in water conservation.We saw an opportunity to create a corporate social responsibility campaign called the Tank a Day Challenge (TADC). This would engage the Australian community and stakeholders to play a part in the solution to Australia’s water crisis. It would be aimed at educating the next generation about the water cycle and would empower them with the tools to make a difference to their local community.

The TADC offered 200 rainwater tanks to primary schools to help kick-start their water saving journey – that’s one rainwater tank for every school day of the year.The campaign was driven by PR through stakeholder engagement and extensive media relations. Now in its second year, over 2,000 primary schools have taken the TADC – that’s a third of all primary schools in Australia. Over half a million primary school students (600,000) have completed the educational water saving quiz and 599 pieces of editorial media coverage have been secured.The program has not only delivered significant environmental benefits to Australian schools, it has increased BlueScope Steel’s corporate reputation which has paid commercial dividends for the company.

Execution was created to communicate TADC and provide a platform for the educational quiz. A media partnership was secured with national breakfast TV Today Show. Briefing meetings were undertaken with Government ministers. An issues management plan was devised and spokespeople for the media were trained.Four phased roll out:1) Launch (16 May 2007) - National launch media event held in a Sydney primary school.

2) Registration period (mid- May- mid- July 2007) 3) Year One full roll out (End July 2007- May 2008) - Five primary schools selected to receive a rainwater tank each week based on quality of the principals’ written responses and percentage of students completing the quiz. A grassroots media relations strategy was rolled out.

4) Year Two Full Roll out (August 2008- March 2009) – Program extended for another twelve months. Year two media launch took place offering another 200 rainwater tanks. National media relations strategy rolled out.


• BSS Corporate Reputation ranking has moved from 11th to 10th place.• 25 per cent general population awareness of TADC.• 20 meetings took place with Government Ministers and support secured for TADC.• TADC assisted BSS in securing new business and commercial partnerships with companies like Rheem Australia and has driven school purchase.• Assisted in a combined saving of 45 million litres of water.• Over half a million primary school students across Australia have taken the educational water saving quiz.• 30% of all primary schools have registered in the TADC, driven purely by PR.• Educational key messages were communicated in 94% of media coverage.• 599 pieces of editorial media coverage were secured.• “The TADC has exceeded all expectations. Outstanding school involvement and media coverage generated for BSS” – Corporate Communications Manager, BSS

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