Cannes Lions


JWT SINGAPORE , Singapore / ONE (SINGAPORE) / 2015

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Case Film






More than 350,000 under-privileged Singaporeans live amongst their affluent neighbours who can easily lend a helping hand, except their problems go unnoticed. We created We-Fi, an online platform that turns poverty into the focal point to connect the community for good.

In partnership with an ISP - MyRepublic, we turned the homes of under-privilege families into We-Fi hotspots. Neighbours get to enjoy unlimited internet access by simply making a small donation. Logging on to We-Fi will direct them to a mobile site to inform them of their neighbours plight. They then make their contributions which goes directly to the specific family's needs.

In one of the most densely populated countries like Singapore (6500 people/sq kilometre) where most people I've in high-rise buildings, We-Fi reaches a radius of 500m around the family to raise awareness of their plight and provides a simple way for everyone to help everyday.


Given these under-privileged families live in close proximity with those who can help, we leveraged the one thing that connects and informs us all today, our internet connection.

We created We-Fi, an online platform that turns poverty into the focal point that connects the community for good.

In partnership with MyRepublic, we transformed their homes into We-Fi hotspots, allowing their neighbours to enjoy unlimited wifi connection whilst providing a sustainable source of donation for the families who cannot provide for themselves.

To access We-Fi, neighbours will be led to a mobile site (, highlighting the situation of that particular home whilst keeping the individuals anonymous. The mobile site informs the community of the family’s plight and how their donation for We-Fi access goes into providing a better life for their less fortunate neighbour.

Neighbours and the public will learn about We-fi through collaterals distributed around the vicinity.


Within the first day of launch on 25th April 2015, We-Fi has collected more than $1000 for the family which goes into to electric and water bills, medicines and school supplies.

"We-Fi makes it possible for those who cannot make a living to earn some money. It’s really better than just relying on handouts completely. We are excited to see how this project takes off in the near future." Nicol Ng, President of One (Singapore).

The project will be extended to 10 families over the next few weeks working together with the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

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