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In Russia, Dan Brown’s books were released in a different order to that in his native country. After the release of the super successful book 'The Da Vinci Code', two of Dan Brown’s earlier books were published. Counting on the great success of the writer, these two books were not backed by promotional support and that is why their sales did not reach expected levels.

We had to promote the new book of a famous author and once again raise his popularity for the Russian reader.


We saw that the book describes the social problems of contemporary society, which are pertinent to all of us and can be recognized by all readers. If we ignore them, we can end up living in hell on earth.

We decided to raise these points and create a social campaign for the book.

We decided to offer potential readers an Experience which vividly showed how we ourselves are gradually turning our lives into hell.

We set up an extreme tourism agency – 'Inferno Tours' and organized a tour of the capital, to point out the social wounds in our society.

We spread an intriguing video about the agency online. We also set up a website and a hotline providing information about the agency.

It was important for us to attract socially active people to the project.

That’s why we set up a competition in Instagram, where competitors had to upload a photo depicting the current problems in our city using the hashtag #i’minhell. The winners were sent on the tour.

During the tour, the participants were really convinced that Moscow was a truly hellish place.

After going through the 9 circles of hell, the bus arrived at its final destination. Everyone found themselves in a room steeped in mystery, with a book awaiting each person. After video introducing of the book by Dan Brown the secret of 'Inferno' was unveiled to all.

After that, there was a review of the book on every channel, an advertising campaign was launched, and information about the book became available in social networks and on the tour agency’s website.

The mysterious tour and the original book presentation were covered by active post PR in all media: TV, web, magazines.


It was important for us to attract socially active people to the project. That’s why we decided to offer as a solution real experience for the target audience - Inferno tour at hellish Moscow.

In network appeared a mysterious video of infernal tourism agency and most stakeholder’s persons from mass media received special invitation for event.

Simultaneous in social networks was launched a competition in Instagram, where participants had to upload a photo depicting the current problems in our city using hashtag #i’minhell. And the winners together with bloggers were sent on tour to the hellish Moscow.


Because of this original approach to an advertising campaign, the book «Inferno» became the buzz word. It has been in the top sales lists of the major book stores for several months and became bestseller in 2013. Inferno sold 10,000 copies in the first two weeks and 200,000 copies in 3 months. The fourth edition of the book was made.

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