Mobile > Creative Use Of Technology


MOBIENTO, Stockholm / ALLER MEDIA / 2013

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Ever tried to bake using your mobile phone as a recipe book? That's right, sticky hands and touch screens don't make a good match. To remedy this we developed the "air swipe".

We helped Aller Media's magazine KK, Norway's largest women's magazine, to reach new audiences by creating a delicious baking app comprising of hand-picked recipes from the magazine's inspirational appendix, KK Søtt.

The result is a visually compelling app, designed to convey a bespoke, premium, and non-native experience. The unique "air swipe" function lets sticky-handed aspiring bakers read the step-by-step instructions without touching their phone, and the built in timer means you won't forget your masterpiece in the oven.

How does the air swipe work, you ask? Well:

- The base algorithm starts by determining the built-in camera's current background using a rolling average.

- The current frame image is then compared to the background image to construct a binary image of the users hand.

- A morphological closing and a smoothing filter is applied, further improving the quality of the image, and a motion history set is constructed, containing pixels with a higher intensity where the users hand was more recently.

- From this image a motion gradient is computed for every pixel, and finally a simple check determines if the amount of motion in either direction is higher the a predefined value.

- If this is the case, the next or previous page is shown.

Aller Media uses the app as an internal best practice example of successful product development, as well as for finding new, viable business models for their magazines.

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