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We were asked to develop the next stage in the successful ‘Inspired by Iceland’ campaign that had turned around Iceland’s tourism industry following the ash cloud in 2010.

The first stage had reversed decline in the all important summer tourism, but for the next stage the Icelandic government challenged us: “How do we get more people to visit our country during winter?”


1.) Increase tourism numbers during winter

2.) Generate global PR and get people talking


Our target was ‘Enlightened Tourists’: seasoned travellers, quick to reject traditional marketing in favour of peer recommendation. Research showed they thought Iceland as a summer destination, with most being put off in winter by the ‘cold and dauntinge’ impressions created by its name.

The truth is that over 80% of winter visitors recommend the experience.

We harnessed the power of peer recommendation to publically challenge the mistaken impressions created by Iceland’s name.


This winter, we set out to find another name for Iceland – one that better describes the reality.

Over 5 months we used an extensive online outreach and PR program to stimulate fans’ suggestions. We toured the country seeking submissions and attended the biggest cultural events.

After receiving over 25,000 responses and provoking an international debate, The Mayor of Reykjavik announced the winner and opened a unique gallery in its honour.


We made news in 42 countries, generated 910 million global media impressions, added £154.3m to Iceland’s economy and created the most successful winter in Iceland’s history.


The key objectives for this campaign were to increase visitor numbers by positioning Iceland as an all year round destination and creating an idea that would generate global PR and inspire a hard to target ‘enlightened tourist’ to visit Iceland during the winter months.

Research showed that enlightened tourists were likely to think of Iceland as a summer destination. Despite being seasoned travellers, enlightened tourists lack real knowledge about Iceland in winter, with most being put off by the ‘cold and daunting’ impressions that its name suggests.


‘Iceland By Another Name’ caught the imagination of enlightened tourists, commentators and Icelanders alike, helping to create the most successful winter in the country’s history:

1.) Increase tourism numbers during the winter months:

- Iceland experienced a 36% increase in visitor numbers.

- This accounts for £154.3m incremental revenue.

2.) Stimulate public advocacy and involvement:

- More than 25,520 responses from fans in 42 different markets.

3.) Generate global PR and get people talking about Iceland

- The campaign earned 910 million global media impressions.

- £9m worth of coverage on £1.5m spent.


Iceland By Another Name

In winter 2012, we set out to find another name for Iceland – a name that better describes the reality.

Over the course of 5 months we used an extensive online outreach and PR program to stimulate fans’ participation. Along the way, we toured the country seeking visitors’ suggestions and attended the biggest cultural events.

The story was covered by every major news organisation globally.

Finally, after receiving over 25,000 responses and provoking an international debate, The Mayor of Reykjavik announced the winner and opened a unique gallery in its honour.


The Importance of Tourism:

After the economic collapse in Iceland, tourism replaced banking as a key industry for the country, employing more people than any other. Visitor numbers during the summer months (apart from when the volcano hit) had been growing year on year but winter tourism lagged far behind.

A Perception Problem:

Iceland’s busiest tourism period (65% of all visitor numbers) has always been between May – September as tourists think that these are the best months to visit. But the truth is there is so much to do in the winter months too.


In order to drive winter tourism to Iceland, we knew we had to challenge the mistaken impressions created by its name.

The truth is that winter visitors find the country exceptionally inspiring and welcoming, with research showing over 80% of tourists would recommend it to their friends and family when they return home.

But we had to be smart. Enlightened tourists are an audience of ad rejecters, who are far more likely to be influenced by their peers than a traditional marketing campaign.

So we created a strategy aimed at stimulating public advocacy amongst existing fans of Iceland in winter and used an extensive PR and outreach program to have their voices heard.

This idea was more than a traditional awareness building PR campaign because it inspired people to get involved. Its most important effect, beyond changing people's attitude towards Iceland, was behaviour change capable of generating bottom line results.

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