Film Craft > Film Craft


HEAT, San Francisco / HOTWIRE / 2018

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We open on a psychedelic set as our host, Martin Starr, instructs the audience to settle in. He informs us that if we’re looking for a hotel room, “deals are available indefinitely.” He moves across the set, opening a door that gives way to a visual metaphor--an infinite hallway containing replicas of himself opening a door. He then walks over to a record player and puts on sensual music. We see a goat reading in a chair. Martin, looking at camera, suggests “Now that we’re alone again, let’s say you and I get ourselves a room…or not.” He pulls a small square package out of his pocket and tears off the corner. Simultaneously, a cup and saucer float into frame. Martin removes a teabag from the wrapper, steeps the tea, and tells us, “I’ll wait. No pressure.” He sips the tea as we cut to the end card.


The strategy behind the production design was to make time feel like an illusion. Through set design, art direction and camera movement, we created the sense that everything lived in a languid place where we had all the time in the world. A cosmic, low-key and chill world we dubbed “The No Pressure Zone.” We used cooler color values to ensure for calm and tranquil vibes, and a spiraling galaxy complete with shooting stars you could wish upon. As a nod to the travel industry, we included hotel room doors throughout the set design, one of which we built at 20 times the size of a normal door to achieve a dramatized scale. Instead of leaves, our tree had CG clouds, and clocks that melted the time away, all in the name of twisting expectations on time and travel. While admittedly weird, everything was an intentional metaphor for no pressure.


This spot, and the entire campaign, plays on two very popular themes in advertising and pop-culture: That resources are limited and time is running out. The copy, visual metaphors and rhythm of the spots purposely subvert the first commandments of consumer culture, “Do this” and “Act now.” Additionally, the campaign spokesperson, Martin Starr is an American actor, well-known for his detached and sarcastic comedy. He’s been in hit movies like Spider-Man: Homecoming and is best known for his starring role in HBO’s Silicon Valley. His dry, low key vibe leans against the cosmic weirdness in a way that is both familiar and surprising to American consumers.