Pharma > Direct to Consumer



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Why is this work relevant for Film?

Our Future You campaign was a set of healthcare TV ads aired in the USA.

Pharma isn’t normally associated with humor, but with our target audience being scared of surgery and the traditionally long recovery times, we needed to create a TV ad that made them feel at comfort and ease with our brand and motivated them to act as we offer recovery within weeks.

We showed bunion sufferers what their future could look like with future versions of themselves appearing like magic with our Lapiplasty sonic branding. Our light-hearted approach helped us stand out and get noticed.

To qualify for Pharma Lions, the pharmaceutical product or service the work was created for has to have gone through the relevant medical / legal / regulatory processes that apply to these communications.

The work required mandatory fair balance. All fair balance had to be written in footnotes and the main risk had to be said verbally at the end of the ad. It impacted how long we could show the positives and how prominent and long the fair balance needed to be on screen.

With us showing a ‘future patient’ we had to have all bunion related prosthetics and scarring signed off by a consultant surgeon.

Work had to be uploaded into an approval system and signed off by a consultant bunion surgeon, medical, legal and brand.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Bunions primarily impact women over 40 years of age.

Research showed that two main areas impacted the uptake of bunion surgery. Their fear of surgery and the length of recovery.

Their fear of surgery meant that the work has to counteract that in approachability and tone. Ensuring everything was done to maximize comfort and ease with our communications.

Length of recovery post-surgery deters them from prioritising their health as a number of people groups (parents, friends, children, work) depend on their care and time.

Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:

Work required mandatory fair balance. Fair balance had to be written in footnotes and the main risks had to be said verbally at the end. It impacted how long we could show the positives visually and how prominent and long the fair balance needed to be on screen.

Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.

Our target audience was women over 40 as they typically are the most likely to have bunions. They are a demographic with many people and places depending on them (their parents, friends, children or work), so traditionally they would be put off by surgery fears and length of recovery.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Our Future You campaign showed bunion sufferers what their future could look like with future versions of themselves appearing in fun and magical ways with our Lapiplasty sonic branding.

We even have a trusted voice (surgeon) appear as well to deliver the key brand line – getting you back in sneakers in weeks.

We took a light-hearted approach to stand out as an approachable and non-scary way to become bunion free.



Women over 40 are suffering with painful bunions. But due to their fear of surgery and the length of recovery, they prioritise their role in the family (parents, friends, children, work) over their own health.


- Create a piece of communication that made Lapiplasty feel approachable and simple to do. Make people feel that bunion surgery is something they can fit into their lives.

- Take an unknown surgery that’s difficult to remember and turn into a household name people easily recall.

- Reengage patients who are scared of bunion surgery because of long and arduous recovery times and make them feel Lapiplasty is easy, magical and transformational.

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