Pharma > Regulated




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Integrated?

This is not just the branded campaign launch of Moderna's COVID Vaccine, one of the most high-profile drugs of the last 5 years. This is an integrated execution that challenged pharma paradigms, turned a brand name into a verb for the first time, and represented the diversity of the target audience in a fresh way. All to change the perception of the entire category and attract an apathetic public who didn't want to hear about the COVID condition anymore.

To qualify for Pharma Lions, the pharmaceutical product or service the work was created for has to have gone through the relevant medical / legal / regulatory processes that apply to these communications.

The campaign was subject to United States regulations and approvals, including:

- Call-to-action/claim restrictions

- Message adherence to PI (prescribing information) and clinical trials

- Compulsory fair balance (legal information on 2nd half of the ad)

- Moderna internal Medical, Legal, and Regulatory review boards

- OPDP/APLB review (US FDA approval process)

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

COVID was the most important public health topic of the last 5 years, having changed our lives and ultimately being defeated through vaccination.

While the tone was celebratory when the vaccines were first released under emergency use authorization in 2021, the public felt they were done with COVID by the time Moderna was given FDA authorization to promote the Spikevax brand in 2023.

People had blocked the COVID "trauma" from their minds and moved on with their lives, seeing the condition as low risk and rejecting any COVID information and discussion, ultimately leading to low vaccination rates.

Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:

Campaigns in the US are subject to rigorous regulations and approvals:

- OPDP/APLB review (US FDA approval process)

- Internal Medical, Legal, and Regulatory review boards

- Call-to-action/claim restrictions

- Message adherence to PI (prescribing information) and clinical trials

- Compulsory fair balance (legal information on 2nd half of ad)

Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.

Primary: Consumers – general population with focus on 65+

Consumers (especially older, high risk) who needed continued COVID-19 protection, but were "done" with the topic.

Secondary: Their immunizers (HCPs, Pharmacists, NPs)

Responsible for continuing to vaccinate the population, but feeling they had to prioritize other discussions and conditions.


The campaign was part of an integrated DTC/HCP effort to officially launch Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine brand and increase market share in a moment when nobody wanted to hear about COVID anymore. To make matters more challenging, Pfizer was the big leader in share and brand perception.

Launching the brand and winning in H2 2023 would be an uphill battle. Since 2022, COVID-19 vaccination started to lose relevance as people moved to a post-pandemic mindset. Vaccination rates in September 2023 were at 3%, and only 28.2% of adults intended to get vaccinated (source: KFF).

It was key to introduce a fresh perspective around COVID, making people understand where vaccinations fit in their lives. The direction: instead of looking at COVID as the "big bad", now that we are in a “post-pandemic” mindset, the vaccine should become “just” one of the important health rituals among several that we do to stay healthy.

Describe the creative idea

Spikevax That Body turned a brand name into a new action in people's health routine.

In a world tired of hearing about COVID specifically, the campaign re-shifted the focus to the attention-grabbing brand name and to transforming that name into a part of people's lives.

Truly transforming the name into a verb for the first time ever, the executions showed several activities that people do to stay healthy - common, niche, and quirky routines and rituals to stay on top of their health. And presented Spikevax as the "action" they should take in their routines to stay healthy.

The copy created a repetition dynamic that made the idea memorable, fun, and that framed the name Spikevax into an attitude and a call-to-arms. All wrapped in a distinctive craft approach, upbeat tone and execution, and a deep portrayal of the audience that shows them in an authentic and real way.

Describe the strategy

Due to the big cultural and behavioral barriers, it was key to introduce a fresh perspective around COVID, making people look at it differently and understand where vaccination fits in their lives.

The strategic direction: instead of looking at COVID as the "big bad" thing, now that we are in a “post-pandemic” mindset, vaccination with Spikevax should become routine, “just” one of the important health rituals among several that we do to stay healthy.

To create distinctiveness and relevance with the audience, we went deep on understanding and representing the audience in real and authentic ways, ensuring everyone felt seen and included and allowing us to target different audiences with the most relevant messages. Thus, we portrayed the real diversity of the US demographic, not only with a broad range of age, race, gender, and people with disabilities, but also in portraying them in non-stereotypical ways and situations.

Describe the execution

The full campaign ran from October to December 2023. It led with the hero TV execution rolled out in CTV, OLV and social media, followed by awareness-focus reminders in display, social and print.

The campaign was also supported by social and influencer efforts that took the message to hundreds of micro influencers' followers in a close and authentic way.

List the results

Moderna’s position in the market was cemented, with brand awareness increasing 66%, reaching 2X vs. Pfizer. The total market share increased by 30%, contributing to vaccinating more than 22 million people in H2 2023.

As a bonus, the campaign was complimented by the FDA for its representation of the audience and for portraying the real diversity of the US demographics, not only with a broad range of age, race, gender, and people with disabilities, but also in portraying them in non-stereotypical ways and situations.

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