Pharma > Regulated




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Film Craft?

This a pharma film that combines science and choreography to bring to life the development of one of the most innovative vaccines. The performance of the dancers had to be scientifically accurate which was only achieved with weeks of preparation, working together with medical teams and choreographers.

To qualify for Pharma Lions, the pharmaceutical product or service the work was created for has to have gone through the relevant medical / legal / regulatory processes that apply to these communications.

"Human Design" is a worldwide campaign aimed at healthcare professionals. In cases like this one, experts review the script for both commercial and health perspectives, globally and locally. A team of at least 6 specialists first checks the script offline. Then it's uploaded to Veeva, a CRM system that most pharma companies use for legal and regulatory approval. In Veeva, medical writers link the script's claims to relevant parts of accepted medical research or papers. An independent doctor then verifies these claims against the research to confirm they're correct. Production only starts once the script is fully approved.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.


Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:

This film adheres to the regulations of the Drug Administration Vietnam, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Philippines and the National Organization for Medicines (EOF) of Greece.

Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.

Global Healthcare Professionals make important decisions when it comes to choosing a vaccination product; one that is suitable, efficient, and effective for their patient. Our work showcases the point of difference this vaccine has over competitors – being based on fully human design, helping them to make an informed decision.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

Located in a studio setting, we see a choreographed story using human bodies to create shadow art showing the vaccine’s benefits and qualities.

It opens introducing a family and continues to capture storytelling moments alongside scientific qualities, all told through the art of shadow. Alongside these visuals, we hear the script delivered by an engaging VO.

In this medically accurate interpretation, we see detailed shadows of viral particles, proteins and even antibodies to help visualise this science. One scene focuses on the replication of infection in the gut, where dancers replicate and move throughout the shadow of a gut, in a live theatrical performance.

As we move through the film, we continue to see dancers elegantly perform with each other, working in sync to pivotal moments of the script.

Overall, the film is crafted using live shadow art using human bodies to tell our story.


The brief was to get Healthcare Professionals to choose GSK Vaccine as their rotavirus vaccine of choice. GSK wanted to sustain and increase its market leadership, by conveying the benefits of its fully human design and therefore it’s 2-dose schedule.

Its competitor’s vaccination schedule takes longer to complete (3-dose schedule) and is also based on bovine material. Meaning the vaccine schedule can not only provide faster protection to babies, but the vaccines fully human design mimics natural infection, providing better immunity.

We needed to communicate the science behind the vaccine as well as the benefits, all while keeping the HCP engaged with the film.

Tell the jury anything relevant about the direction. Do not name the director.

This film was directed with a strong human element running throughout it, but something that felt like a live piece of art, or theatrical performance.

It embraces the idea that human bodies create these scientific shapes told through shadow art but doesn’t hide the environment in which is needed to create them.

Space is used a canvas, and the journey through that space drives the story. The devices used to create the illusions in these films are never hidden. Lights, cast, rigging are all included in frame.

The shadow art is central to the film and overall direction as we needed to create complex, scientific shapes using human bodies in a choreographed manner. Making sure these felt accurate whilst fluid and dynamic was very important.

Its overall direction was to be authentic while giving the feel of a live artistic performance through its single-take approach, all while showcasing the science.

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