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Why is this work relevant for Luxury & Lifestyle?

MANE is a Fine Fragrances Creative Studios are based in Paris, São Paulo and New York. It is within these studios that MANE has created some of the most prestigious fine fragrances on the market such as Margiela, Armani, Jimmy Cho, Dolce&Gabbana, Calvin Klein, leading the way to new olfactive territories.

Exceptional ingredients, outstanding technology, and targeted consumer insight nurture the imagination and emotions of our fragrance creators. These feed their inspiration and lead them to design visionary perfumes, meant to become tomorrow’s classics. Merging their individual personalities and artistic vision, our perfumers come together to unleash boundless creativity

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

More than ever, inclusivity needs to be defended. And at the same time, the way the perfume industry is communicating is still full of clichés, often offering an outdated vision of couples in general. That’s why Mane, the leading fragrance creator in Europe, had to lead the way and move the industry forward, by doing what Mane does best: product innovation. Presenting: a range of gender fluid fragrances that can mix together to make a statement, championing an inclusive and positive message.


Today, more than ever, the values of inclusivity and diversity need to be defended. And what could be more intimate than a fragrance to promote this wonderful cause, break free from clichés and celebrate love and all couples in all their shapes and forms? Especially as the very codes of the perfume industry communications today are still rooted in caricatural and sometimes archaic clichés, Mane, the leading European fragrance creator, needed to take on those codes and clichés to promote the values of inclusivity and tolerance as well as help customers organically pollinate and amplify the positive message of the brand.

Describe the creative idea

To make its inclusivity message travel and be amplified organically, Mane has created For Them, a unique range of gender fluid fragrances that are made to be paired, and that blend when sprayed together, giving birth a to a new unique mixed fragrance. More than a perfume, For Them is a statement for inclusivity you can wear on your skin. And, of course, all the product elements were also designed to blend together: the logo, the packaging, the Nd-Fe-B magnet-powered bottles, the names (numbers) of the fragrances, and of course, the liquids themselves.

Describe the strategy

This is a universal message, aimed at mass market customers, and more precisely at couples. All couples, as love comes in all shapes and forms. The approach is using a product, to help customers pollinate and organically spread our inclusivity message by wearing it on their skin.

Describe the execution

The For Them fragrance range have been first launched in-store in the iconic Parisian LGBTQ+ neighborhood “Le Marais”, to later expand to a selection of mixed neighborhood malls (for ex: Italie 2, in the French Chinatown). The launch was supported by an in-store OOH, outdoor DOOH, and on-line video film campaign, that was expanded on social via an organic influencer campaign, with 51 influencers and joined even by celebrities like SHY’M (one of the French most famous pop singers). In June 2024, For them is going to be launched in Europe (Poland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Cyprus) partnering with Sephora and a range of iconic local perfume stores.

List the results

51 influencers have supported the launch. Stars and pop culture icons like the singer SHY’M joined the movement. And with 25 million+ media impressions, Mane’s inclusivity message massively came through. The For Them range was sold out 2 weeks after launch and now the message is also in the hands of the people who proudly wear it. Everything is ready for the next step: the European launch in June 2024.

Please tell us how the work tackled and confronted disparities within the entertainment industry.

Today, more than ever, the values of inclusivity, diversity and freedom need to be defended. And what could be more intimate than a fragrance to promote this wonderful cause, to break free of codes and celebrate love, all loves and all couples in all their forms.

Especially as the very codes of perfume communication are steeped in caricatured and sometimes archaic clichés. Codes that need to be broken and hijacked for a good cause.

For them was crafted from scratch as a statement for inclusivity you can wear on your skin.

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