Sustainable Development Goals > People




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

This idea is relevant to SDG because it brings a fresh, innovative and self-sustainable solution over time to reduce malnutrition in children living in the Peruvian Andes.

Sending to Janac Chuquibamba laying hens and adapted them (without genetic manipulation) to produce, instead of our eggs packages helps people to supply themselves with fresh and high-quality eggs daily. Furthermore, La Calera taught people of the community how to raise and breed laying hens and to make the project self-sustainable and scalable, we launched a special package along the country to support the delivery of more hens.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Due to the altitude and climate, access to products is very difficult in Janac Chuquibamba. Roads are in bad conditions. Landslides usually block roads, making the community almost inaccessible. In Janac Chuquibamba, at more than 3,600 meters above sea level, the diet of the residents is basically tubers. Protein sources scarce there. The only protein element they can get is from eating a type of worm called Tusacuro. That’s why malnutrition rates there are alarming, 5 out 10 children are at risk of chronic malnutrition, becoming an endemic condition that costs the Peruvian state millions, due to cognitive loss experienced by adults during their early childhood.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

The brand purpose and mission of La Calera is to democratize nutrition in Peru through the production and selling of eggs. That’s why this idea perfectly meets the main objectives of the brand. This project also fits perfectly within two of the UN Foundation’s SDGs: Zero Hunger and Good Health and Well-Being. Since its main objective is to help to reduce significantly malnutrition rates in families and children living in the most remote areas of the Peruvian Andes.


• Brand values specific to the chosen goal

Democratize nutrition all over Peru, mostly in the areas in most need of protein sources.

Help foster the development of Peru, injecting enthusiasm and growth, based on the philosophy of hard work and true love for the land and its products.

• Brief

Find a sustainable solution that can provide nutrition through eggs for the children in the Andes.

• Objectives

To reduce the malnutrition rate in the residents of Janac Chuquibamba, especially in children.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

Located in a practically inaccessible place in the highlands of the Andes and living in poverty, people of Janac Chuquibamba, are accustomed for centuries to surviving with a self-consumption economy. However, with poor sources of protein, malnutrition has become an endemic condition there and in other communities in the Peruvian Andes. This problem gets worse with the minimal support of the Peruvian state to solve the problem, even though it costs millions due to cognitive loss experienced by adults during their early childhood.

With this social, political, and cultural context, summed to the extreme conditions the community lives, La Calera decided that instead of transporting the packaged eggs, it will be more beneficial to adapted special laying hens there and teach people how to take care of the poultry to ensure the production of high-quality eggs, helping to nourish families and particularly vulnerable populations, such as children.

Describe the creative idea

Transporting quality and fresh eggs to Janac Chuquibamba every week is practically impossible, so we decided to, instead of that, adapted laying hens that could live in those conditions to assure families the nutrition that a daily serving of fresh eggs can give.

Describe the strategy

We collected the data on-site and with that, La Calera prepared the laying hens capable to survive in extreme conditions.

The target is all the families in Janac Chuquibamba in the Peruvian Andes (3,600 meters above sea level), especially children who suffer from malnutrition.

All of them were trained to raise the laying hens correctly and thus be able to supply themselves with fresh eggs daily.

To make this project sustainable, we create the Andes Hens package: every package sold are supporting to send more laying hens to Janac Chuquibamba.

Describe the execution

With the help of experts, we prepared a special type of white hen (W-80 hen) with a selected diet comprising the scant food available in the region and adapted the poultry to the new climatic conditions. All without genetic manipulation.

This diet also contained the necessary nutrients for the laying hens to produce the required number of eggs without losing their quality.

To make it sustainable, La Calera delivered one rooster for each 10 hens and launched the Andes Hens egg Package to support the delivery of more hens to the Andes.

In addition, the program also consists in teaching how to raise and breed the laying hens, benefiting thousands of

Describe the results/impact

The Andes Hens egg package to support the program sold out across Peru, helping to deliver more hens to Janac Chuquibamba and other communities.

People around Perú are now better informed about the alarming malnutrition rates in the Andes.

La Calera Brand Perception rose positively, being perceived as a socially responsible brand.

+500 families benefited.

+1.000.000 eggs projected during 2024.

47% drop of malnutrition rates projected for the first 6 months.

4 more communities will be added to the program.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

The Andes Hens project helped reduce malnutrition by 47% in the first 6 months. Now the children of Janac Chuquibamba are assured of a daily source of protein for their nutrition. The residents were taught how to raise and breed the poultry and with the sales of the Andes Hens eggs package in other regions to support the delivery of more hens, makes this project self-sustainable. The next step will be to scale it to other communities with the same problem all over the Peruvian Andes and the entire country. Andes Hens will become a permanent program of La Calera in its mission to democratize nutrition throughout Peru.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

The brand purpose and mission of La Calera is to democratize nutrition in Peru through the production and selling of eggs. That’s why this idea perfectly meets the main objectives of the brand. This project also fits perfectly within two of the UN Foundation’s SDGs: Zero Hunger and Good Health and Well-Being. Since its main objective is to help to reduce significantly malnutrition rates in families and children living in the most remote areas of the Peruvian Andes.

In the production we partner with AdGreen and have successfully been using the training and tool to understand the footprint of the work we create on behalf of clients. As our people become more familiar with the behavioural changes that they can make, we have seen a wave of new changes, for example in the location of shoots, the food that is served on shoots and renting rather than buying costumes for shoots.

We are also investing in generative AI, 3D and virtual production techniques which we estimate can reduce emissions associated with production significantly. One reason for this is that these innovative production techniques reduce or eliminate the need to travel, or in particular to fly – air travel is the biggest contributor to production emissions according to AdGreen.

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