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Bronze Cannes Lions
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The placement of our execution of Banned Book Club is special in that we are specifically executing at the exact location of the issue, within the actual libraries - so when anybody walks into one of these libraries, they immediately have access to the banned books. Turning 2,314 libraries into a new innovative media form. Our media placement targeted our demographic with geo-located social media messages and out of home messages - all within a narrow radius of the libraries. This allowed us to capture consumers' attention just as they were walking in or near the libraries with banned books.

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Book banning is far and away impacting the Black, Brown and LGBTQIA+ communities. Over 74% of the books banned in the past five years are by or for marginalized people. These are the same communities that have been discriminated against for decades and centuries. So, it’s more important than ever to defend these people and let their voices be heard. That’s why we created The Banned Book Club. By unbanning these books in real-time, the DPLA is giving a voice back to marginalized groups who have repeatedly been silenced throughout history. Representation in literature is imperative to improving the lives of kids who might not always see themselves in mainstream media and entertainment. The Banned Book Club is enabling tens of thousands of people from these communities to access books that are otherwise inaccessible to them in their libraries. The impact The Banned Book Club has by providing access is life changing for many people.


America is facing a book banning crisis. Conservative politicians are silencing Black, Brown and LGBTQIA+ voices by forcing librarians to take their books off the shelf. In 2023 alone, 3,059 books were banned - more than in any other year. The Digital Public Library of America holds that our democracy relies on our freedom to read. And believes books should always be available to everyone.

Describe the creative idea

The DPLA created the most up-to-date database of all of the books banned in America. Then, geo-fenced the exact footprint of every library that banned the books - and made those books available via a mobile app for anyone when they are within those very libraries. Sending a strong message - that every time they try to take a book off the shelf, we'll put it right back, virtually.

The Banned Book Club launched in partnership with President Obama, the most notable defender of our freedom of speech. The campaign reached more than 20 states that have books banned with geo-located Instagram and Facebook ads, that alerted people just as they were near those offending libraries.

The Banned Book Club is a digital solution for today and the future. Whenever a book is banned, it’s added to our database, making it available instantly. Ensuring no book is ever banned again.

Describe the execution

We launched at scale in partnership with President Obama at over 2,000 libraries in 21 states. Our placement for the solution is at the very point of the problem; the libraries being forced to ban books.

The Digital Public Library of America is instrumental in providing digital book services to thousands of libraries across the US. The book banning issue that is growing in America is the perfect issue for the DPLA to address - as the brand’s bedrock is about providing access to knowledge and information.

The DPLA created the most up to date database of all of the books banned in America. Then, geo-fenced the exact footprint of every library that banned the books - and made those books available via a mobile app for anyone when they are within those very libraries.

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