Digital Craft > Form


LUSION , Bristol / LUSION / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Digital Craft?

This work stands out in Design because it directly tackles the challenge of making complex, technical web experiences both beautiful and easy to understand. By redesigning our website, Lusion demonstrates how design can go beyond looks to create stories that engage users from the first click. We focused on making something that isn’t just technically impressive but also visually appealing and user-friendly, even on mobile devices. Our website isn’t just a portfolio; it’s proof that design can break barriers(literally), brings a fresh perspective to digital design, showing its power to transform tech into art that speaks to users directly.

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Our website redesign was all about showing brands and agencies what makes Lusion special. In the digital design world, it's not enough to just have a good-looking site. You need to stand out by how you solve problems and tell stories. That's our strength. We made our new site to clearly show this to our potential clients around the world. We focused on making something that isn't just cool to look at but also shows our way of thinking and working.

We know our audience doesn't want complexity; they want to see creativity and practical solutions. Our redesign is our way of saying, 'Here's what we can do for you.' It's not just a portfolio. It's proof that we understand the challenges brands and agencies face and that we're here to offer something different. We aimed for a design that's innovative but also easy to get into, showing we're ready to help clients stand out in their own markets."

This revision aims to maintain clarity and directness, focusing on Lusion's objectives and how the website serves as a strategic tool for engaging with brands and agencies.



Lusion faced the challenge of distinguishing itself in a crowded digital landscape. The goal was to not just be another studio but to showcase our unique blend of creativity and digital craftsmanship.


The task was to redesign out website but also to redefine the user experience. We aimed to create a digital showcase that felt as innovative as the work we produce for our clients.


- Engagement: To create an immediate impact on visitors through unique digital craft techniques, making our website a benchmark in storytelling and user experience.

- Demonstration: To effectively display our range of services and project successes to potential brand and agency partners, establishing Lusion as a top-tier digital production studio.

- Innovation: To push the boundaries of web technology and design, proving that sophisticated digital experiences can be both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.

Describe the creative idea

We believe the best way to show our clients how we can use design and technology to solve their marketing problems is to demonstrate it and let them experience it firsthand. This philosophy guided the creative idea behind Lusion's website redesign. Our goal was to craft a digital space that acts as a living portfolio, one that goes beyond showcasing our past projects to provide an immersive journey into the world of digital innovation.

To achieve this, we integrated real-time 3D visuals, interactive storytelling, and meaningful animations, creating an explorative experience that exemplifies our ability to blend aesthetics with functionality. We demonstrated how we can break creative boundaries (literally) in a storytelling web experience and how we apply our expertise in digital craft to create compelling, innovative solutions.

Describe the execution

Implementation and Placement:

We deployed cutting-edge web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL, to bring our creative vision to life. The website was designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices, from desktops to smartphones. Each section of the site was strategically placed to guide visitors through our digital storytelling journey, starting with captivating 3D visuals on the homepage.


The project was ambitious, aiming to set a new standard for digital experiences. The interactive elements and animations were carefully designed to be engaging without compromising website performance.

Brand Relevance:

Every aspect of the redesign was crafted to mirror Lusion's identity as innovators in the digital realm. We maintained a high-quality execution with a playful and casual character, aligning with our brand identity.

Touch Points:

Key touchpoints included beautifully crafted interactive visuals on the homepage, detailed case studies of our projects, a cinematic experience on the About page, and a playful conclusion. Each touchpoint was optimized to enhance user engagement and effectively convey our message.

Materials, Style Elements, and Design Choices:

We chose a modern aesthetic with bold design elements to ensure the content and interactive features stood out. The integration of dynamic animations and 3D visuals highlighted our technical skills and creative vision. We showcased a diverse range of materials and styles, demonstrating our flexibility and creative adaptability for various client needs.

Methods and Process:

Our process was iterative, incorporating continuous testing and refinement to guarantee the highest quality. Rigorous R&D allowed us to explore innovative design solutions, ensuring the final product was visually stunning and functional.


The project spanned 4 months, segmented into research, design, development, and testing phases. This structured approach facilitated thorough quality control, ensuring the final website met our high standards.

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