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Its not easy to talk about sustainability in the automotive category.

So now, we have the chance to reach a more conscious audience, by showing real elements that are part of the Volkswagen ID. BUZZ family, at their more natural state. Showing materials that we all can find on a daily basis, but now in a series of different ads, for everyone to see it.

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63% of consumers worldwide believe that companies and products are responsible for improving sustainable behavior.

So, brands that take action on environmental care issues are increasingly valued. Especially in the automotive industry.

Volkswagen attended to this demand by launching the Volkswagen ID. BUZZ family. A car that is made from recycled materials. Reducing the gases that cause global warming and saving 32% of CO2 emissions compared to conventional materials.


We have to develop an idea that seeks to highlight in an innovative and irreverent way, the elements that integrate the Volkswagen ID. BUZZ family. In this case, materials such as recycled fishing wire, plastic waste, PET bottles, recycled polyester, natural latex, among others.

With the aim of positioning the brand on a more sustainable path, which takes charge and bets for a better future. Saving 32% of CO2 emissions compared to conventional materials and reducing the gases that cause global warming.

Describe the Impact:

We believe in a more sustainable and green planet, that's the real impact behind this idea.

We launched the campaign "Made from recycled materials" in Ecuador, with a total reach of +5 millions throughout the entire campaign period. Increasing the positive perception of the sustainable pillar of the brand, not only on environmentally minded people. Positioning Volkswagen as a company that bets for a better future and contributes to reducing the gases that cause global warming.

Generating conversation about this, on social media and beyond, as users look the brand as a reference on environmental changes.

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