Audio & Radio > Culture & Context


DAVID, Madrid / HALLS / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
MP3 Original Language
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Why is this work relevant for Audio and Radio?

The idea was created specifically for a radio brief with the concept built around the audio storytelling that happens within the beats of a breath. The sharp inhale and tension in the voice that occurs with every setback, is immediately juxtaposed by the slow exhale and release in the voice as the solution to the problem arrives. This is the one medium that can fully bring to life the concept of breathing through a problem.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Mindfulness has become a huge topic in the last few years, brands encourage people to meditate, take breaks and breathe to help release stress in difficult situations.

We took a fresh approach, you don’t need to isolate to breathe, mindful breathing should be a constant practice.

The insight is based on those roller-coaster everyday moments when people feel like there is no escape, with stories that are carefully crafted to be relatable and believable.

So, the more you hear the radios the more they invite you to breathe through them, using inhales and exhales that feel authentic, we gave people little chaotic meditations that are fun and make them aware of their breathing.

The objective of the campaign is to give a small taste of our products, when you eat Halls you became aware of your breathing, so we made spots that give you the same sensation.

Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio work.

Every day we face situations that feel like a big deal. Situations that make us gasp in horror and breathe a sigh of relief as they get sorted. Halls is a brand that helps people breath and has always encouraged people to take deep meaningful breaths. That’s why we want Halls to be the best partner in those moments, to help people realize that if you breathe through those situations, everything is going to be fine.

In these radio spots, a voice-over tells a small relatable story, one by one the lines make the character Gasp (Inhale), and then breathe a sigh of relief (Exhale), giving the sensation that you are breathing with the spots and the character. In the end, the voice-over concludes that the only thing we need to do is breathe through this situation. And you can use Halls to help you do that.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.




Chatstreet Boys.

You discover there’s smaller version... of your friends group chat.

Sfx: Gasp

Maybe they forgot to add you.

Sfx: Phew

It's 3 weeks old.

Sfx: Gasp

It’s got a lame name though.

Sfx: Phew

But you really want to join “The Chatstreet Boys”.

Sfx: Gasp

You’ll make one with the leftovers.

Sfx: Phew

You are the leftovers.

Sfx: Gasp

They probably don’t use it that much.

Sfx: Phew

235 new messages.

Sfx: Gasp

No memes, no stickers, no fun.

Sfx: Phew

But they’re having a party.

Sfx: Gasp

Everyone has to pay in a lot.

Sfx: Phew

Someone’s talking about you.

Sfx: Gasp

It’s your surprise party. And they’re paying in a lot.

Sfx: Phew

VO: Everything will be okay... Halls. Just breath through it.


Halls exists to help people breathe better and has always encouraged people to take deep meaningful breathes. In the past the brand has aimed this breathing to help people attain success in epic situations like reaching the top of a mountain, riding a wave or the moment before your wedding or a job interview. But we took a new approach by helping people breathe through everyday moments.

The brief was to create ideas that helped people feel ready to take on the moment, but breathing should be a constant practice in our days, and it shouldn’t be reserved only for the big situations but can help us through everyday moments.

So, the campaign encourages people to breathe throughout the day even in those little moments that feel tense and complicated. Because when you just take a breath, you’ll realise, that more often than not, everything will be okay.

Describe the Impact:

At the time of launching the campaign has not yet received final results.

The radios are the starting point of a bigger brand platform, a new and fresh way of redefining breathing for Halls. Big markets like Brazil, Mexico, the UK and USA are already exploring the spots to give them a native context, to adapt them to local insights.

The concept is so powerful that the campaign is currently being adapted to film, static media, activation and promotions. What started as an audio campaign is becoming the new global campaign on all mediums for Halls.

Please tell us about the humour insight that inspired the work.

The humour in this piece comes from the classic comic call and response structure. It is hinged on the human insight that everyday “catastrophes” come with a thousand moments of yay-ahh, and highlighting this quick and dramatic shift from all out victory to complete and utter doom, creates relatable yet unexpected humorous moments.

The comedic timing is kept naturally within the beat of a breath, all leading towards a rewarding ending that shows exactly what Halls menthol lozenges can help you achieve by breathing through the difficult everyday events in your life. Of course, we end with the key to all light-hearted comedy, an uplifting resolve to the initial dilemma.

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