Audio & Radio > Culture & Context


GUT, Buenos Aires / COCA-COLA / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Audio and Radio?

‘The Universal Language of Coca-Cola’ is relevant for the category because it relies on the medium of sound for its effectiveness.

This radio ad was broadcasted in some of the least spoken languages within each country. It served as a gesture of support towards minority communities who live in countries where their native language isn't widely spoken, making them feel at home.

Although the message was only comprehensible by a select few, everybody understood it was a Coca-Cola ad. After all, Coca-Cola is one of the most universally recognized words across the globe. It’s something we all share.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Coca-Cola is a word recognized by 94% of the world's population, making it the most widely known word after "OK". It transcends the language barrier across every continent, making it universally understood. This unique reach allowed Coca-Cola to convey a message comprehensible to all, even when delivered in a language spoken by few. The global radio campaign targeted a select audience, but the entire world knew it was a Coca-Cola ad.

Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio work.

The ads begin by airing in a language spoken by very few in the country where they are broadcast. Those who understand the language feel an immediate connection to their home country. We further develop this sense of belonging by highlighting that Coca-Cola is a universally recognized word shared by everyone. In the ad, we acknowledge that even those who don't understand the language can comprehend the word Coca-Cola, being one of the most widely known words globally. Few understood the message, but all recognized it as a Coca-Cola ad.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.

-This radio was broadcasted in Korean in the territory of Mexico:

You might be craving a delicious bibimbap (traditional food from korea) accompanied by the timeless taste of an ice-cold Coca-Cola. There's nothing better than feeling at home, that’s why we created this message from Coca-Cola for the 1,248 Koreans living in Mexico. Yes, you, the few who understand this message while others simply hear murmurs and the word 'Coca-Cola'. We understand that you may sometimes feel lonely or miss home. And yes, Coca-Cola is just a word that you have in common, but it's not just any word. Because there's nothing better than a Coca-Cola to discover what else you share. And that's real magic.


-This radio was broadcasted in Samoan in the territory of Norway:

You might be craving a delicious sapasui (traditional food from Samoa) accompanied by the timeless taste of an ice-cold Coca-Cola. There's nothing better than feeling at home, that’s why we created this message from Coca-Cola for the 3 Samoans living in Norway. Yes, you, the few who understand this message while others simply hear murmurs and the word 'Coca-Cola'. We understand that you may sometimes feel lonely or miss home. And yes, Coca-Cola is just a word that you have in common, but it's not just any word. Because there's nothing better than a Coca-Cola to discover what else you share. And that's real magic.

-This radio was broadcasted in Icelandic in the territory of Greece:

You might be craving a delicious freshly grilled puffin (traditional food from Iceland) accompanied by the timeless taste of an ice-cold Coca-Cola. There's nothing better than feeling at home, that’s why we created this message from Coca-Cola for the 53 Icelanders living in Greece. Yes, you, the few who understand this message while others simply hear murmurs and the word 'Coca-Cola'. We understand that you may sometimes feel lonely or miss home. And yes, Coca-Cola is just a word that you have in common, but it's not just any word. Because there's nothing better than a Coca-Cola to discover what else you share. And that's real magic.



We were briefed with creating a radio campaign for Coca-Cola that emphasized its iconic status. Initially, the campaign was intended for several countries in the Middle East, but it later expanded to include other regions.

Describe the Impact:

We achieved a 73% persuasion score, surpassing the average benchmark. With a remarkable 90% recall rate, our ad resonated with 9 out of 10 audiences.

Consideration saw a 2.7% increase in Feb '24 compared to the previous year, alongside a 5% rise in brand affinity. Additionally, our campaign contributed to a notable 6.7% increase in share of meals during the same period.

These results underscore Coca-Cola's universal appeal, demonstrating how the brand transcends boundaries to create a sense of belonging anywhere.

Please tell us how market disruption inspired the work

The Universal Language of Coca-Cola" is disruptive in that it was a radio ad broadcasted in multiple countries in a language spoken by few. Rather than aiming for broad reach, this campaign targeted a specific minority, marking a departure from Coca-Cola's usual strategy. The ad showed the brand to the consumer in a new way, leveraging that 94% of the population understands the word "Coca-Cola" making it unmistakably clear that it was a Coca-Cola ad regardless of the language.

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