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According to the Nielsen report, 66% of spanish women consider themselves to be stressed, they are the most stressed women in Europe.

Bassed in a study from California’s University “Turkey contains tryptophan, a substance which reduces stress. Therefore, Campofrío presents Deliciosa Calma, the restaurant that uses only stress-reducing ingredients. A restaurant where through its dishes can release workaday tensions such as work and family life, childcare responsibilities, professional success, pressure in the practice of motherhood, have a perfect body…

“I didn´t go to the gym because I didn´t feel like it and I´ll go when I can… with black truffle sauce,”

Our consumers could live that experience. Deliciosa Calma became a reality, in one of the fashionable streets of Madrid, the tickets sold out just after publishing on the web.

A balanced diet helps reduce stress. A balanced society as well. Pavofrio, feeding another model of woman.


- Firstly, we arranged collaborations with the main Spanish media we invited to attend the making-off of the spot, including a scoop with the most important Spanish media outlet. Besides, famous Spanish actresses who appeared in the spot became ambassadors of the brand, and we arranged interviews with several media.

- During the second phase, we announced the start of the project through a press release, highly distributed by the media, that encouraged people to participate in this “once in a lifetime” experience.

"Deliciosa Calma" was not simply a "creative license"; Was proposed as a real restaurant that allowed us to bring experience to women and be our platform to generate content and feed the concept from the promotion, digital and PR.

In a space with a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in the center of Madrid, we recreate the atmosphere of the spot, taking care of all the details, and based on the


Overall results were remarkably positive, letting us reach and surpass the objectives we had set at the beginning. Media and consumers embraced the project amazingly good.

1. Media Outputs:

We achieved a historic media coverage for the brand in a friendly communications tone:

- More than 58 million people were reached

- More than 210 media impacts were obtained

- 3.690.445 € in Earned Media Value

- Over 6.000 impacts and over 53 million impressions in Twitter and Facebook

- 13.017.863 Views on social media

? 86,6% of organic reach on Facebook, a whole new record!

? Another record is the time of viewing on YouTube. Getting YouTube Ads Leaderboard and


We used a complex media mix:

First, we warmed up the media with a teaser and we release the spot in TV and digital media.

Second, we created the web “” and we made a reality the restaurant, thanks to which the content was created.

Finally, we amplified the campaign: print, radio, the creation of “Deliciosa Calma Speeches” (PR) and the recording of a real radio program from the restaurant. The campaign became in a viral issue, the media interest was so big that some radio program asked for live broadcasting from the restaurant.


The PR strategy had the goal of amplifying the impact of the campaign in a way never seen before. The objective was to reach traditional communication channels with a content focused on women, the brand’s primary demographic target. Spreading a marketing campaign among traditional Spanish media outlets is a huge challenge since they tend to distrust brands. Also, the difficulty increases when the media have to send people over to cover events.

Not only we found a solution to solve this issue –an action that counted with a social background and interesting enough so independent media outlets wanted to attend it– but we created a such disruptive meeting point that journalists highly demanded to go and to cover it. The PR strategy we designed left the brand in the background without letting it lose its relevance, as consumers directly associate the name of the campaign “Deliciosa Calma” with Campofrío.



Pavofrío endorses turkey product in Spain and is mainly consumed by women. The product is intrinsically “low fat” and therefore eaten for weight management. But in 2008 we decided to focus on women in different way. Instead of promoting diet which implies pushing a stereotype we decided to deactivate them and help women.

Deliciosa Calma is the result of an approach to the universe of women. We wanted to understand what these unconscious patterns were that led to them, to self-demanding so much, to try to reach everything, to try to always put this better self ahead, or to justify oneself by not complying with the norm, with what is expected of them.


To be an ally of Spanish women


Consolidate the positioning of Pavofrio as an accomplice brand of women increasing the preference for the brand. Generate conversation in RRSS, society and media around the campaign.

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