Entertainment > Audiovisual Branded Content



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Why is this work relevant for Entertainment?

The client is the largest entertainment company in Thailand who lost connection with young women. Instead of hiring an agency to create a branding commercial campaign, the client co-partner with an agency for women to create a pure branding entertainment series truly made for women. The first 13-episode insightful series create an impact to young women nationwide.


GMM Grammy, the largest entertainment company in Thailand, owns TV channel, TV program and Music platform lost the connection with the most promising target segment “young women”. Most of the shows are remake melodrama series that women in this generation don’t feel connect any more. To build a strong bond with the target, instead of buying entertainment IP and agency role is just a content promotor we need to create an insightful content truly made for women.

Describe the creative idea

“Girl From Nowhere The Series”

The first entertainment series powered by women to empower women.

We turned ourselves, the creative agency for women, into an insightful content creator. Co-owned intellectual property (IP) by client and agency, we produced the first long-form 13-episode insightful series truly made for women. The series exclusively launched on nationwide TV show and signed for uncensored version as Netflix Original Series now airing worldwide.

Describe the strategy

Headline news always create an impact.

There are so many headline news in Thailand that school girls has been victimized but there are no serious penalties. Such as a girl been raped by her teacher and the penalty is just to resign. But because we believe that victim is not women destiny, therefore; we turn headline news about girls into entertainment series to get them ideas to protect and revenge.

Describe the execution

“Girl From Nowhere The Series” Inspired by 13 true incidents where schoolgirls have been victimized. Their stories retold. Each episode, we inspire the idea of reversing the destiny from victim to victor by a girl names “Nanno”. She will take audiences on an extraordinary tale of revenge. When the new episode begins, “Nanno” will always reappear as a new student in the new schools. 1 Girls, 13 schools, 13 episodes, 13 experiences. This mysterious-fantasy flavor gives women nationwide a taste of satisfaction. The series created incredible social impact.

Describe the outcome

• “NANNO” becomes only character that was ranked among real women as the Top 10 most influential women in Thailand.

• The series became talk-of-the-town.

• Thailand’s weekly no.1 on twitter and YouTube while airing,

• Within 2 weeks, the series Facebook fanpage has the highest rank of engagement in the country.

• Every episode was fully sponsored.

• PR Value greater than 1.06 M dollars with ZERO media budget.

• Prime Minister’s office requested to use the series as a teaching material.

• A community of brave girls was born. Girls shared their victim stories while others share their solutions.

• Winning International and local awards show; Gold in London International Awards, Gold Effectiveness in Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (Adfest) 2019

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