Innovation > Innovation


GROW, Norfolk / ADIDAS / 2018

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Case Film
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Our idea was to harness the power of 30,000 runners generating data from the very race bibs that sport the adidas logo, and transform the race into a creation engine. Our custom video capture and rendering process allowed us to shoot footage throughout the 26.2-mile course and programmatically pair it with race data for every individual. We created 30,000 personalized films for each of the 30,000 runners in the marathon, all delivered within hours of the end of the race.

Each personalized video featured footage of the runner, isolated based on his or her race data, along with personalized motion graphics and title cards that featured the runner’s starting group, split times, and completion stats. Woven together with narrative footage from the full marathon, the videos told the story of each runner’s legendary performance in the historic race.


With multiple cameras along the race course, we captured footage throughout the marathon, including fixed positions tied to RFID checkpoints. Racer bibs generated individual split time data, which we mapped to the footage to identify each runner. Our custom algorithm then sliced the videos to ensure each runner would be ideally positioned in frame, no matter their pace.

These personalized film clips were combined with motion graphics and title cards representing the runner’s individual performance stats, along with additional footage shot throughout the course featuring iconic landmarks and memorable moments from the race. These were randomized within the videos so that each runner’s video was even more unique.

Our custom software and workflows allowed us to shoot, process, edit, and deliver 30,000 personalized videos in under 24 hours from start to finish. Runners received their videos by e-mail, and could search for other participants by bib number through a custom website.


We disrupted an industry of marathon photography and videography to personalize and visualize run data at a scale, speed and level of quality never done before—despite historically cold, rainy and windy weather conditions.

The personal highlight films shattered the norms for engagement. Runners happily consumed and shared brand-generated content, as evidenced by:

- More than half of all runners watched their videos, and videos viewed had an incredible 97% completion rate.

- 20% of the viewed videos were shared on social, amounting to more than 160k views, 52k reactions, and 12k comments.

- The email that delivered each runner’s personal video link to their inbox had a 47% open rate, far beyond industry standards as well as adidas’ YTD baseline.

- Product sales attributable to the campaign were up 1,189% over baseline.

- Publicity for adidas included multiple major press outlets, including a headline story on Runner’s World.


At the 2018 Boston Marathon, we created 30,000 personalized films for each of the 30,000 runners, all delivered within hours of the end of the race. Using the data from the runners’ RFID-enabled race bibs along with a custom video capture and rendering process, we transformed the entire race into a creation engine.


- 17 Jan. 2018 - Concept Approved

- 23 Feb. 2018 - Initial Prototype of Video Clip Capture System

- 2 March 2018 - Field Test of Video Clip Capture System with Runners

- 16 March 2018 - End to End Clip Capture and Video Rendering System Test at 5K Race

- 6 April 2018 - System Stress Tests and Redundancy Mechanisms Complete

- 9 April 2018 - Dynamic Video Template and Rendering Engine Integration Complete

- 16 April 2018 - Dynamic Capture, Edit and Video Rendering at 2018 Boston Marathon; 30,000 Videos Delivered


There are marathons, and then there’s Boston. As a runner in this event, you’re creating something bigger than yourself — you’re becoming part of the legend. For their 30th anniversary as sponsor of the Boston Marathon, adidas wanted to celebrate the runners with a digital experience that embodied their brand mantra, “Here to Create,” a platform that recognizes athletes as creators. Boston is adidas’ biggest opportunity each year to root the brand within the running community. We set out to create an authentic, data-driven experience that would win the hearts, minds, and social feeds of runners in Boston and beyond.

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