Titanium > Titanium


MONKS, Amsterdam / SEPHORA ITALIA S.R.L. / 2024

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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Titanium?

Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives. We ask it to write texts, create videos, images, and music. But with mAI colpevoli (never guilty), we tried to take a further step, using it in a provocative way: we asked it to speak like a human being, specifically like a woman victim of violence. And if even AI ends up blaming women, it means there is a need for a change in education and in the way we talk about violence against women. And Sephora has shown itself to be a pioneering brand in this.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Italy, a country with deeply entrenched patriarchal values, Sephora's mAI colpevoli campaign emerges as a powerful response to the persistent problem of gender-based violence and victim blaming. This initiative reflects Sephora's belief that self-awareness is fundamental to women's self-determination, addressing the ways in which women's freedom-through makeup, economic independence or clothing choices-is often compromised by social norms and partner dynamics. 26% of Italians still attribute women's experiences of violence to their clothing, highlighting a pervasive culture of victim blaming. By engaging on such a sensitive issue, Sephora not only aligns with its commitment to supporting women, but also fits into the growing public consciousness on gender issues, fueled by global movements such as #MeToo and a growing demand for corporate social responsibility in Italy.

Using artificial intelligence to analyze and present narratives of violence from the perspective of victims, the campaign innovatively addresses public perceptions and media narratives that often stigmatize expressions of beauty and personality. mAI colpevoli leverages Sephora's influence on the beauty market and women's empowerment to foster cultural change, encourage public dialogue, and promote a more inclusive and empathetic view of society toward survivors of gender-based violence.


The brief challenged us to create a purpose-driven social campaign for The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. To give some context, still today in Italy, when a woman is a victim of violence, she finds herself being considered responsible for what happened rather than the victim. Moreover, in the period leading up to the campaign, the public debate had been dominated by controversy related to certain statements made during a famous TV program where the TV host stated that if a girl drinks some cocktails she is more likely to meet "the wolf" (the perpetrator).

With this campaign, our goal was to demonstrate the existence of prejudice against women victims of violence to the point that they feel guilty. Specifically to make a broader target audience understand how language often plays a crucial role in victim-blaming, with a focus on women themselves.

Describe the creative idea

With the mAI colpevoli campaign, Sephora has shown the importance of opening up discussion on a critical topic, like victim blaming and self-blaming, but also how important is taking concrete actions, both through work, brand role and in everyday life.

The monologues will be adapted and developed to bring to life a theatrical tour, creating moments of debate with the audience, specifically with students and teachers, to reflect on violence against women. But AI technology could be used also to explore other forms of discrimination and violence, such as those based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, etc. This would allow a wide range of social issues to be addressed through a similar lens.

Describe the strategy

Targeting the media and individuals 18-55 men and women, our strategy for tackling gender-based violence began with a phase of research and analysis. Here, we discovered how deeply victim blaming is entrenched in both media portrayals and public opinion. Armed with this knowledge, we shifted our focus towards raising awareness and educating the public. By sharing the stories of victims, our campaign aimed to shed light on the intricate gender dynamics at play and the impact of language. Our goal was to not just inform but to inspire a shift in the way society views and treats victims of violence. Through this thoughtful approach, we sought to foster a more understanding and empathetic public discourse, aiming to challenge and change longstanding attitudes towards victims of gender-based violence.

Describe the execution

mAI colpevoli began as a campaign intended for Italy but has gathered international buzz. We created three main long form videos, each accompanied by one-minute snippets containing the most important and impactful phrases. Prior to these contents, we also released three teaser videos: a countdown for The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a collection of online comments blaming women victims of violence, and the input given to artificial intelligence with a short excerpt from the video set in the bar. Additionally, in collaboration with the Pangea Foundation, makeup workshops on the theme of self-confidence were organized in Sephora stores, and on November 25th, receipts given to customers were placed inside a receipt holder with contact information for the REAMA anti-violence service.

The videos were posted on all of Sephora's social channels, including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and X, from November 20 to 25, 2023.

List the results

The campaign has received local and global press coverage and attention, including Germany, the UK, Brazil, Japan, Turkey, Peru, and the USA. It has reached 12 million impressions, which is more than the 8 million we had estimated. It has drawn significant attention via PR to the inherent bias in AI and how it echoes a real problem in society, engaging with 190 million video views and more than 10,000 clicks.

While mAI colpevoli has shed light on a sadly still widespread cultural phenomenon, it has also shown a growing sensitivity: women are aware of the existence of these prejudices, while a percentage of the male population is starting to support them towards gender equality.

The brand image has been strengthened by the campaign. Users saw their values represented and, for this reason, on social media, they showed solidarity by defending Sephora from haters through brand advocacy.

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