Titanium > Titanium




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Titanium?

This work is relevant to Titanium Lions because it´s a game changer idea in the Peruvian health system. A very simple innovation that solves a complex problem in a completely original way.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Peru, getting a mammogram is almost impossible.

The public health system is so overrun and inefficient that appointments for mammograms are scheduled for a year and a half on average. While the private health system is so expensive, that it´s practically impossible to access for most of the population.

That´s why, in this country 8 out of 10 women have never had a mammogram in their lives.

For a disease like breast cancer, acting in time is the most important thing, which is why this context makes most Peruvian women feel that they have no chance against it.

On the other hand, low-price supermarkets are gaining more and more ground among consumers with historical sales records.

In this context, something curious happened before our eyes: purchases of Gift Cards to give to your loved ones are on the rise in supermarkets. Something that happened in other countries a few years ago, in Peru it only became trendy very recently.

And the simplicity of that type of purchase made us wonder, why not make mammograms as accessible as giving a gift card from our supermarket.


Breast cancer, if discovered in time, has a survival rate of 93%.

But in Peru, it continues to be the second most common cause of death among women.

As we said before, this is because the public health system is very precarious and it´s collapsed. Giving women appointments for mammograms with long waiting periods of approximately a year and a half on average.

This makes it almost impossible for them to discover the disease in time.

That´s why, Tottus, the leading Low-Cost Supermarket chain in the country decided to take action to protect our most important clients: Peruvian women.

How could we make simple to have a mammogram in a context so difficult?

Why don´t we sale it so simple as buying any other product on our shelves?

Let´s make mammograms accessible to all Peruvian women with an affordable price and without any waiting periods.

Describe the creative idea

We created the first mammogram in the shape of a gift card.

A mammogram that you can buy as simple as buying any other product of our shelves, just as sugar, milk, or rice.

We used our retail knowledge to make accessible these mammograms for every woman in all our nationwide stores.

A groundbreaking solution to a complex problem that gives accesibility to thousands of women from all walks of life.

This way, in Valentine´s, Christmas or Mother´s Day, there was an alternative to Chocolates, flowers or parfums; a lifesaving high quality screening at a heavily reduced price with an 80% discount.

Describe the strategy

We wanted that anyone could be able to purchase a Gift Card with a mammogram for their personal use or to give it to someone else as a present. Our objective was that any woman all over Peru could get a mammogram on time when she needs it.

Always with our mindset of providing our customers the best products at a low-price, we partnered with "Clinica Internacional", a prestigious chain of private clinics, to offer women the best quality preventive checkups with an amazing discount.

To make it possible we subsidized part of the cost of the screening, so that the reduction was significant, and, by doing this, we were able to offer Gift Card mammograms with approximately an 80% discount.

We printed thousands of Gift Cards and put it on displays in our shelves all over the country.

Describe the execution

We put the gift cards all over the country permanently in Tottus stores nationwide. Every gift card has a code.

So, when a woman received it, by simply scanning the code with a smartphone she immediately was able to schedule her appointment for a mammogram without waiting periods.

This action gave access for most Peruvian women to a preventive check-up for the first time in their lives. Changing behaviors, giving time and most importantly, saving lives.

List the results

The impact was impressive.

The number of mammograms in Peru increased by more than 300% compared to the number of mammograms that were done before the campaign.

The action had more than 120 million impressions and was widely shared by the people and by the most important media in the country.

This activation also generated a 99% positive feeling towards the brand.

But the most important result was the satisfaction of making preventive check-ups accessible to many women for whom it was previously impossible. Saving their lives.

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