Film Craft > Production


AKESTAM HOLST, Stockholm / TALITA / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
Case Film
Supporting Images




Why is this work relevant for Film Craft?

Mission Talita is an innovative campaign to raise awareness about the harsh reality of sex trafficking. With a gaming experience at its core, a game trailer was a compulsory asset to reach the target audience. But also our most valuable and important asset, apart from the gaming mod itself. Our trailer aimed to engage an audience accustomed to high-production trailers with extravagant soundtracks. Therefore, we needed to make the best game trailer ever made in the world of GTA, that benchmarked against other multi-million-dollar productions. It was either go big or go home. So we went big.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Talita is an NGO founded in Sweden, dedicated to reducing the suffering associated with prostitution and sex trafficking around the world. The organization views the issue of sex trafficking and prostitution as two deeply interlinked issues and an expression of male violence against women. This view aligns well with the dominant cultural perspective in Sweden, where prostitution is seen as a situation of exploitation. Recognizing this cultural view is important as it shapes this case and underlying idea, whether one agrees with the perspective or not.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

The trailer begins as a homage to the original Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer, showcasing the vibrant city of Los Santos. A female voiceover with a foreign accent narrates her hope for a better life upon moving there. It sounds like a phone call. However, the tone quickly shifts as we delve deeper into the city's darker side, where women are exploited, beaten, robbed, and killed. The voiceover reveals her captivity, abuse, and desperation for rescue. Suddenly, a van labeled "Talita" arrives, and a man promises to save her. He navigates the streets in true GTA fashion. The van drives off into the night, transitioning to graphics displaying the mod's title and urging viewers to download the gaming mod from the campaign site.


Every day, millions of women and children are exploited in the global sex trade. Talita, a small NGO, is dedicated to aiding these victims in breaking free from prostitution and trafficking while also challenging the societal attitudes that fuel the demand for sexual services.

To change this, we must reach the audience most likely to include future sex buyers: young men. By raising awareness among them, we strive to achieve long-term behavioral change.

The problem? The dark and harsh realities of sex trade victims seem to escape the daily reflections of young men. This is not so surprising since the prevailing narrative surrounding prostitution is often one-sided and glamorized in pornography and popular culture.

Talita recognized the need to challenge this narrative in a manner that would resonate with, rather than alienate, our young male audience.

Tell the jury about the production design/art direction.

Crafting the Mission Talita game trailer required us to meet the high expectations set by the gaming community, renowned for its love of high-production trailers with captivating soundtracks. Our aim was twofold: to intrigue our audience with the best-ever trailer in the realm of GTA modding while authentically portraying the core elements and storyline of Mission Talita.

To achieve this, we embarked on creating an immersive visual narrative entirely shot within the confines of GTA 5. Beginning as an homage to the original GTA 5 trailer, our trailer gradually peels back the layers of Los Santos, revealing its dark underbelly where exploitation, rape, and murder of prostitutes take place daily.

Our art direction focused on maintaining the recognizable aesthetic of the GTA 5 world while showcasing a side of the game that remains hidden beneath its seemingly vibrant surface.

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