Outdoor > Innovation in Outdoor


TOMBRAS, Knoxville / MOONPIE / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

All work in the MoonPie Alien Acquisition campaign ran in traditional and sometimes-very-non-traditional placements around the world. Because, according to alien experts, UFO and UAPs are seen around the world.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In July 2023, US Congress held hearings about the existence of UFOs, UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomenon), and aliens. Multiple experts gave sworn testimony that non-human biologics have been found at UFO crash sites. AKA aliens are real, and they're here on Earth.


In July 2023, extraterrestrial experts gave sworn testimony stating that aliens aren't only real... they're here on Earth.

The brief was to use MoonPie's Outta This World brand strategy to capitalize on this historic moment, and drive continued brand relevance by inserting the brand into this massive cultural conversation.

Our objective was simple: penetrate the global alien, but also human, markets to drive awareness and trial of MoonPies.

Describe the Impact:

We created a global Outdoor campaign exclusively targeting aliens, and became the first brand to ever advertise to aliens.

Much like the UFO sightings that spurred our campaign, MoonPie Alien Acquisition became a global phenomenon. It earned headlines in 53 countries and amassed over 2 billion media impressions — a $10 million earned media valuation — and led to a 100% increase in organic search for MoonPie globally. Anywhere people were discussing news about alien life on Earth, MoonPie was a part of the conversation. And while we can't confirm with absolute certainty than aliens bought MoonPies... with those kind of results, we certainly can't deny it either.

Please outline the innovative elements of the work

MoonPie Alien Acquisition was the first global campaign exclusively targeting extraterrestrials. It was not designed for human consumption. Featuring a completely alien language — called LINCOS — which was translated from English, what we created were more than ads: they were transmissions that no one but an alien could read. Additionally, we took to innovative places to get their attention. From boat boards in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean (due to frequent alien sightings at sea), yard signs in Roswell, New Mexico (home to some of the most famous alien sightings in the world), and the largest drone show in the history of Mexico over the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, our methods of making contact with this intergalactic demographic were anything but expected.

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