Film Craft > Film Craft


RKCR/Y&R, London / BBC / 2016

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The BBC wanted to advertise the upcoming broadcasts of their three biggest dramas, Luther, The Fall and Sherlock.

So, instead of doing the usual montage of programming clips, we edited together past scenes from the three totally different productions as if the biggest and best detectives (Luther, DSI Stella Gibson, Sherlock and Dr Watson) were coming together in the same show

Cutting together sections so that the characters appear to be having a dialogue then, using post production, they were all made to appear to be attending the same murder scene.


Luther, The Fall and Sherlock are huge shows in the UK and are hotly anticipated by the fans. Any hint of new material being released is massively shared and discussed online providing excitement for all shows (and BBC Drama) in one hit.


In this trailer, we see how three of the BBC’s biggest and best detectives unexpectedly appear in the same footage to come together and try to solve a crime…

Open on Stella Gibson at her HQ. She is typically brooding and in deep thought about an investigation (we might see various maps and photos on the walls). The phone rings…

She answers it and immediately his face changes…

SFX We’ve found another body…it’s at the old factory…

Cut to Luther. He turns and starts to run out of the building…

Luther I’m on my way…

SFX We’re scrambling all divisions on this one…The Serious Crime Unit,…

Cut to Sherlock as he rushes out from his home on Baker Street. He delivers his catchline…

SFX The game is on! …

As we cut between Gibson in her unmarked police car, Sherlock in the back of a black cab and Luther racing his old Volvo, we continue to hear what’s being said on their police radios and phones…

SFX …we’re got a code zero…

Gibson We have him.

Luther Where is he?

SFX …he’s at the abandoned factory…

MUSIC As the scramble starts, we hear some dark and tense music starting to slowly build and continue as a soundtrack throughout…

Cut to Luther pulling up at the front of an old disused factory, then clambering out and racing towards the main entrance. Then cut to Gibson as she enters one of the side doors of the building.

Stella and Luther bump into each other, shocked.

Gibson What are you doing here?

Luther I think we’ve got a big problem

They find a body. Then spin around at a sound…We see Sherlock and Watson and Gibson enter.

Watson Who are you?

Luther I’m DCI John Luther.

Watson Who are you?

Gibson I’m Detiective Super Intendant Stella Gibson.

Luther And who are you exactly?

Sherlock ignores his question…There is a long and slightly uncomfortable pause as everyone eyes one another. Watson, ever the diplomat, gets back to the matter in hand…

Watson Sherlock do you want to take us through it?

Luther agrees…

Luther Tell us what you see…

Sherlock instantly springs into action and starts to examine the dead body with his magnifying glass.

Sherlock So far so obvious…

Gibson declares their thoughts and Sherlock is not impressed…

Gibson So you’re thinking suicide?

Sherlock Don’t be absurd.

Luther chips in and again Sherlock replies sarcastically…

Luther It looks staged to me.

Sherlock Oh, I see…so you’re a proper genius too.

Luther fixes him with a steely stare and they both face off. Watson rolls his eyes.

Watson Alright girls calm down…

Stella steps in to remind them there is a case to be solved…

Gibson If we don’t stop him he will kill again.

We see a wide shot of them all around the corpse. It’s an iconic scene…BBC’s finest detectives all in one scene.

Something doesn’t add up. Luther looks around for clues in panic…

Luther This isn’t right… it’s not right…

MUSIC By now the soundtrack has built up to be huge and it suddenly echoes to a silence as our characters realise something…

We see close ups of each of them as their faces change from puzzlement to an horrific realisation…

SFX We hear a police radio crackle into life again, “It’s a trap. Get out of there!!”

Luther Everyone take cover!

We could cut to a close-up of detonator…the light clicks to red.

We see a huge explosion as the factory explodes…and are left with the cliff hanging line…

SFX Come in team, are you ok? I repeat…ARE YOU OK?

A super appears…

Super Pure Drama.

BBC logo fades up…

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