Direct > Use of Direct Marketing
kempertrautmann, Hamburg / VOLKSWAGEN / 2012
Quicar is all about sharing, so we used the principle of "sharing" and turned the entire city into a big real time campaign: The Volks-Campaign. Through the use of social media we had an ideal platform to connect with the target audience. Response rates and new customers were expected to be around 3-5% of the people in our target.
Quicar is the new car sharing service in Hannover. In short: Volkswagen shares 200 cars with the entire city. And Volkswagen wanted us to establish this new service. So we set out to connect with the target audience through social media and bring this experience to the outdoors. It was the first social media campaign that was also a full featured outdoor campaign.
The people of Hannover liked the idea of sharing and posted more than 5000 of their thoughts, experiences, questions and ideas about Quicar on Facebook, the Quicar Blog and Twitter.
Quicar is a car sharing service — so we needed to explain to people that "access is better than ownership". Or in other words it is good to share a car.We said: If Volkswagen shares 200 cars with the city, then the city can share their opinions and experiences about Quicar.
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