Entertainment Lions For Music > Branded Content for Music




Silver Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Music Entertainment?

It is relevant because this content, which communicates the importance of donating to the Fundación Peruana de Cáncer, was enhanced by featuring a famous song by the Argentinian Singer and Composer Fito Páez, which at the same time was covered by the renowned Peruvian performer Susana Baca for this piece. The song's lyrics repeat like a mantra saying that nothing is lost and that she comes to offer her heart, all of which elevates the emotional power of the message, perfectly complementing the visuals and turning the content into something absolutely moving.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Perú is the third largest country in Latin America and is inhabited by 30 million people. Unlike developed countries, the healthcare system is mainly focused in the capital. Consequently, thousands of people travel for hours, and often days, to access oncological treatment.


In Peru, cancer is the leading cause of death, and in children, mortality rates are the highest in South America. With 75 thousand new cases annually, two-thirds of which are detected in advanced stages, this results in over 45 thousand deaths each year. Public healthcare system is unable to cope with the demand for all cases. Therefore, the fundraising campaign of the Fundación Peruana de Cáncer is crucial to supplement the needs not covered by the state.

Create a campaign to raise awareness among Peruvians through real cases, encouraging them to donate and reach the goal.

Raise 2 million soles in the annual fundraiser in order to provide comprehensive assistance to the most vulnerable cancer patients in the country. Build a model care center, where the current capacity to accommodate guests can be doubled

Describe the strategy & insight

In Peru, if you live far from the capital, it is very likely that you will not be able to access oncological treatment due to the limited coverage of public healthcare.

Describe the creative idea

A film that genuinely narrates, with aesthetic hyperrealism, the journey of a mother and her daughter from the moment they have to leave their home to embark on a days-long journey, filled with obstacles, in order to access oncological treatment.

Describe the craft & execution

A three-minute film that follows the journey of a mother and her daughter from the outskirts of the capital to their arrival in the city. It faithfully portrays the towns that must be crossed during this journey. All of this accompanied by an original soundtrack by Fito Paez, one of the most prominent Latin American musicians of the moment, and performed by Susana Baca, the most iconic national singer of the moment.

Describe the results

Additionally, this campaign allowed the Peruvian Cancer Foundation to be top of mind in Peru with a 55% market share, ranking first in spontaneous mention and increasing its credibility by approximately 10% compared to previous years.

This campaign marked a turning point for the Fundación Peruana de Cáncer, achieving the goal of raising 2 million soles in just two months, an 18% increase compared to previous years. Additionally, this film was strategically placed on social media platforms and, thanks to its reception, obtained significant results among the audience, with an impact of 9,322,733, reaching 5,769,333 people, and engaging 134,194 individuals.

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