Film Craft > Production


SOMESUCH, Los Angeles / RSPCA / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)




Why is this work relevant for Film Craft?

The RSPCA says we need to “radically rethink” our relationship with all animals as it launches its new For Every Kind campaign to mark its 200th year.

Through crafting memorable personalities and loveable characters for each animal using a myriad of different techniques, 2d animation, 3d animation and archive footage into one, this piece was a challenge to pull together multiple styles and required a number of different skillsets.

Using CGI to create talking animals with the help of borrowing celebrity voices, this rousing and energetic spot highlights the change in perspective towards animals, extending to the brand's reach.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The charity reveals new polling by Savanta which shows a stark difference in the way we see animals, depending on whether they are in our homes, in labs, on farms or in the wild and says we have become disconnected to many of the animals around us.

Polling of more than 2,500 UK adults reveals 90% of people think dogs can experience positive emotions like happiness but only 34% think rats can and just 42% think chickens can. But in reality, both experience lives rich in emotions - rats love to play and even giggle when tickled, and chickens can count and some show empathy for their flock mates.

People were also more likely to think pets deserved a ‘happy and healthy life’ compared to animals used in science. These facts testify to the importance of even the smallest animals having respect.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

We see singing animals performing Aretha Franklin’s iconic hit to call for Respect. In an heart-racing montage of the disparate types of animal that need aid, it calls for more consideration to the animals we tend to forget such as bees, spiders and snails.

The CGI of these animals synced to well known celebrity voices gives this a fun and playful feel whilst conveying an important message for the brand.


Given the complex and varied relationships we all have with animals it was important to create something that didn’t just shock or scare people but offered a sense of hope and left you feeling inspired.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. almost felt like putting together an animal national anthem and we hope it starts conversations in households around the UK to get us all thinking about how we can be kinder to animals, whether that’s changing what we eat or just rescuing a garden snail, though we can’t guarantee they’ll all thank you by singing Aretha Franklin.

Tell the jury anything relevant about the direction. Do not name the director.

The ad goes from dark situations of neglect and cruelty to an epic celebration of animals living rich emotional lives once people start treating them with kindness and respect. The director balances the acts of kindness ranging from giving chicken and cows more space to having ‘the zoomies’ to picking up a snail from a busy road; from comforting a kitten to donating to RSPCA , all whilst creating a memorable new brand look for RSPCA.

It was particularly difficult and required a great amount of skill to carefully balance shot footage, CGI and found footage to bring it together to masterfully combine it into a seamless rhythmic piece set against such an iconic music track.

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