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Why is this work relevant for Titanium?

Rockseeds revolutionizes environmental activism in the fashion industry by shifting focus from traditional terrestrial reforestation to innovative underwater kelp forest restoration. This initiative engages the public with live underwater streams and a dedicated donation platform. Additionally, Rockseeds introduces a new scientific method for regrowing kelp forests despite rising ocean temperatures, using an advanced engraving technique on stones to provide a secure substrate for kelp. This approach not only enhances marine restoration practices technically but also ecologically.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Deforestation of kelp forests is a significant yet underreported issue affecting France's coastal waters.

TBS, with a heritage spanning 50 years and deep ties to the ocean through sailing, recognizes the urgency of this environmental challenge.

One Ocean, a prominent foundation with UNESCO's support, shares this recognition.

Their collaboration is a strategic and natural alliance to address the critical issue of kelp deforestation.


Brands : A conglomerate involving TBS, a clothing brand that has drawn its inspiration from the sea since 1978, accompanied by the 1 Ocean Foundation. This foundation operates under the auspices of the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), a project supported by UNESCO.

Brief : How to turn TBS's dedication to the sea into concrete action?

Objectives : Launch a project to protect the ocean and fight climate change, with goals to restore expansive tracts of kelp forest, crucial for preserving biodiversity and increasing CO2 absorption.

Describe the creative idea

We've developed a method to convert seabed stones into "seeds" for cultivating kelp trees, bypassing their vulnerable early growth phase. Young kelp plants are so vulnerable they can’t start growing amid rising ocean temperatures until they reach a height of 12 centimeters. Our technique involves carving spaces in ocean rocks for kelp to securely develop in a protected environment before being strong enough to endure the ocean's conditions. This innovation has transformed thousands of rocks into nurturing homes for kelp, revitalizing ocean ecosystems.

Describe the strategy

We've installed underwater cameras to monitor kelp growth. To engage the public and promote awareness, we've made our monitoring system open-source, offering live streams for global viewing and involvement. Funding is generated through a monetized YouTube channel, with proceeds supporting the foundation. Additionally, we're running awareness campaigns in Paris to highlight the issue of declining kelp forests. With the help of science, live can even grow from a lifeless rock.

Describe the execution

Our technique involves carving spaces in ocean rocks for kelp to securely develop in a protected environment before being strong enough to endure the ocean's conditions. This innovation has transformed thousands of rocks into nurturing homes for kelp, revitalizing ocean ecosystems.

We launched a reforestation program targeting the Loire Estuary in France, Norway, and French Polynesia, focusing on severely affected areas. We've installed underwater cameras at these sites to track salinity, temperature, light, and kelp regrowth in real-time, helping us identify robust versus fragile kelps.

List the results

We've successfully reforested over 50 000 square meters of kelp forest in areas most affected: the Loire Estuary in France, Norway, and French Polynesia.

The concern regarding kelp deforestation has now escalated to significant levels of government attention, prompting discussions among political authorities.

If the Rockseeds technique is applied to replant the 20% of kelp forest areas that have been lost worldwide, it could capture an additional 47 million tons of CO2.

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