Outdoor > Innovation in Outdoor


WMcCANN, Sao Paulo / SALVATION ARMY / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

We found the best outdoor media to deliver our clothing donation message: a hanger in hotel closets. Through this medium, the audience was impacted at an opportune moment to encourage clothing donation, right when packing their bags upon returning from a shopping trip in São Paulo. In addition to being able to hang the donation on the hanger, in the ad itself, the person was directed to learn more about the Salvation Army through a QR code.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The Salvation Hanger was developed with the aim of increasing clothing donations to the Salvation Army in a different context than usual. The initiative began in São Paulo, Brazil's largest shopping hub. As a result of shopping, travelers often face problems with excess clothing when packing their suitcases. Therefore, hotel rooms near these shopping centers were chosen to place the hangers, impacting people just when packing excessive clothing becomes an issue.


Encountering a clothes donation hanger in their hotel room, guests felt encouraged to donate excess clothing from their luggage. This way, we managed to increase donations to the Salvation Army at an opportune moment and where the institution had not previously reached.

Describe the Impact:

In addition to donations made directly through the hangers, the project also reached people who were not in hotels. The message was amplified through the social media channels of campaign partner influencers, media outdoor, movie theater and also by guests of participating hotels. This increased traffic to the Salvation Army website and the scheduling of donations made through this channel.

Please outline the innovative elements of the work

We developed an integrated geolocated OOH media strategy, using various formats to effectively reach the target audience. We prioritized advertising in urban furniture, commercial buildings, and cinemas in regions with high concentrations of hotels and a large flow of tourists and business travelers in the city. This multi-contact approach allows for broad and targeted coverage, ensuring the message is seen by those most likely to engage with it.

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