Outdoor > Ambient & Experiential


MEDIA.MONKS, Hilversum / NETFLIX / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
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Demo Film




Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

To launch the final season of Sex Education in Argentina we opted for a simple yet powerful outdoor approach: we modified the mechanics of a car and parked it in the middle of Bosques de Palermo in Buenos Aires. We created our own outdoor format that spoke for itself, no headline or image needed.

Still parked, the car bounced giving the impression that people were engaging in sexual activity inside.

This occurred on September 21st, coinciding with the gathering of thousands of teens in the parks celebrating National Student Day, a local holiday for scholars.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

On September 21st, 1888, the remains of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, the father of Argentine national education, arrived in Buenos Aires, repatriated from Asunción, Paraguay, where he lived at the time of his death. Years later, this day became a national holiday for school in order to commemorate Student Day, coinciding with Spring Day.

Over time, the festive atmosphere of spring and the closure of schools due to holiday led to the creation of a unique tradition for students to gather and celebrate. The place that historically became the epicenter of these gatherings is Bosques de Palermo.

On September 21st, the final season of Sex Education was launched in Argentina. Schools are closed, and hormones are swirling among all the teenagers who gather in Bosques de Palermo year after year to 'express their love.' With limited financial resources and a strong desire to 'get to know each other better,' teenagers have no qualms about displaying their affection in public. Was there a better opportunity to capitalize on this unique local insight and promote Sex Education? The target audience was right, the timing was perfect, and the location unbeatable.


The latest season of Sex Education was premiering in Argentina on the same day as the celebration of Spring Day and Student Day, with all the emotional significance that entails. The brief was clear: to be the center of conversation among the series' target audience on this particular day and to ensure that the series is seen by as many people as possible.

Another objective was to foster positive sentiment around Netflix, a brand that, due to the growth of competitors and significant price increases in the country, had been somewhat affected.

Moreover, the essence of the series is to address sex without taboos or hesitations, and we couldn't conclude the show without honoring this. Therefore, our way of normalizing it was by creating advertising directly aimed at entertaining and making people talk about it.

Describe the Impact:

The F***ing Car activation achieved remarkable results: 300.2 million impressions, 35.1 million reach, 6.5 million interactions.

The series topped Netflix Argentina's ranking shortly after its release, indicating a significant increase in viewership and brand engagement. The activation also contributed to fostering positive sentiment towards Netflix, achieving the objectives set forth in the brief.

But the most significant outcome is that people in Argentina and around the world were openly discussing sex, mirroring the approach of the show, without resorting to euphemisms or taboos.

Write a short summary of the ambient work.

We took advantage of the fact that teenagers were celebrating the spring day and student day in the parks known as Palermo Woods, where there is no traditional media format or outdoor advertising, and we created our own ambiance: a car that bounced suggestively.

It was strategically placed in the middle of the celebrations. Additionally, the car then toured different points of the city throughout the day where the celebrations continued. Something similar happened in Santiago de Chile.

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