Direct > Culture & Context


LEPUB, Amsterdam / OREO / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

The 'Trust the Twist' campaign has deeply resonated by tapping into a universal challenge: decision-making. Because no matter who we are or where we live, sometimes we all want to leave a decision to someone else. To maximize relevance and engagement, we crafted over 500 direct messages, specifically tailored for moments of decision-making, and strategically placed them in every conceivable decision-making context—from business centers, airports and ski resorts to contextual pre-rolls and WhatsApp chats. Each message has been designed to engage people directly, encouraging them to make decisions with Oreo.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Capitalizing on Cambridge University research that shows an average person makes up to 30,000 decisions daily, we have identified a universal insight: at some point, almost everyone prefers to leave a decision to someone else—or something else.

Oreo ‘Trust the Twist’ campaign merges a unique product feature—the unpredictable side the cream will favor when you twist an Oreo—with a universal human sentiment: 'Can somebody else just decide?


Oreo it's an American icon that begs to be played with and that appeals to young and old alike. Instead of focusing on its role in family bonding, we decided to embrace its playful nature. Decades ago, Oreo introduced the Twist ritual as a fun way to enjoy the cookie, which became a cultural norm. To tackle our business challenges, we put this ritual at the center of our strategy. We portrayed Oreo as a playful dilemma solver, flipping the script on how people see our brand. This approach reshaped the narrative around Oreo, turning our unique ritual into a key asset.

Describe the creative idea

Everybody knows that if you split an Oreo in two, the cream will end up either on one side or the other. But what not everyone knows is that MIT researchers confirmed in 2022 that it’s impossible to predict which side the cream will stay on. We've used this unique Oreo feature and turned the brand’s famous Twist ritual into an iconic, playful decision-making tool.

Our campaign has turned every decision making moment into a mini game centered around the product.

Describe the strategy

Oreo, though a dominant force in the US, is yet to achieve global recognition. Facing challenges in various markets due to a lack of understanding and resonance with consumers, we aim to elevate Oreo's status worldwide. Our strategy involves integrating Oreo into cultural contexts, focusing on its iconic twist.

Capitalizing on Cambridge University research that shows an average person makes up to 30,000 decisions daily, we have identified a universal insight: at some point, almost everyone prefers to leave a decision to someone else—or something else.

Oreo ‘Trust the Twist’ campaign merges a unique product feature—the unpredictable side the cream will favor when you twist an Oreo—with a universal human sentiment: 'Can somebody else just decide?

Describe the execution

To engage people, we crafted more than 500 direct messages, specifically tailored for moments of decision-making. Leveraging data-driven insights, we strategically placed ads where and when people make decisions—choosing their commuting options, selecting music, picking video content, choosing outfits, and even composing their WhatsApp messages. The adaptable format we've developed enables us to dynamically update DOOH messages based on the time of day, weather conditions, and cultural events. A key principle in every piece of content we produce is that the options provided can always be executed immediately—we never suggest actions that are unrealistic, like flying off into space.

Campaign debuted in September 2023 in Spain, Portugal, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, EAM and Greece and will continue to be released in more than 25 countries across three continents.

List the results

'Trust The Twist' is officially the most epic relaunch the brand has seen in over a century—112 years, to be exact. The campaign has been adapted to 32 languages across three continents. 1.9 billion impressions and over 500 million in earned reach so far. In some markets, sales have jumped up to 26 percent. Over 800,000 decisions have been made with a twist of an Oreo. Including a decision to get married.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work.

The campaign was inspired by a universal social behavior known as decision fatigue. Capitalizing on Cambridge University research that shows an average person makes up to 30,000 decisions daily, we have identified a universal insight: at some point, almost everyone prefers to leave a decision to someone else—or something else.

This simple human truth has become a starting point for our global campaign. By simply twisting an Oreo, the outcome is decided, transforming the decision-making process into a playful and lighthearted experience for everyone.

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